OpenStack Infrastructure for Beginners
As a new contributor to OpenStack, it can be overwhelming to learn all the moving parts to OpenStack Infrastruture. In this presentation we'll be diving into the heart of infrastructure and explain everything you need to know about the systems that keep OpenStack working. Common questions like the following and more will be covered:
- Want to know what this zuul thing is?
- Used nodepool but have no idea how it works?
- Why do we have 8 jenkins masters?
- What is this gate I hear so much about?
- Where should I be cloning repositories from?
As a developer, we'll explain how and what each system in OpenStack Infrastruture does and how you should be using them.
What can I expect to learn?
How OpenStack Infrastructure operates and the services that are provided.
Monday, April 25, 11:15am-11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Red Hat Inc.
Paul has been an active contributor to OpenStack since September 2012. Paul is a full time contributor to the OpenStack Infrastructure Project; responsible for of the systems that are used in the day to day operation of the OpenStack project as a whole. Prior to joining Red Hat in April 2015, Paul worked as an Asterisk consultant specializing in call centers and automated deployments. Paul... FULL PROFILE
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Elizabeth K. Joseph is a Senior Automation & Tools Engineer at HPE focused on the OpenStack Infrastructure project. With a history of working in open source since 2002 and heavy involvement with the Ubuntu project, she's been working with OpenStack since the beginning of 2013. In addition to Infrastructure, she's the author of the book Common OpenStack Deployments and routinely speaks... FULL PROFILE
Christopher Aedo, Developer at IBM, is an IT veteran for consulting, design and technology companies. He is also an outspoken public advocate for OpenStack, cloud computing, software defined networking, and software defined storage. He's recognized as a community thought leader and has spoken at numerous OpenStack conferences in addition to speaking or participating on panels in... FULL PROFILE
3 Reviews
Posted: 3214 days ago
Posted: 3256 days ago
Too small of a space, too long to get to the meat of the presentation, and rough transitions between presenters.
Posted: 3257 days ago
good job putting this talk in one of the smallest rooms not allowing enough seats and shutting the doors.