April 25-29, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

CERN and Science Clouds in Europe with TOSCA, OpenStack Heat and the Heat Translator

The Indigo DataCloud project's ultimate goal is to provide a sustainable European infrastructure for science, spanning multiple computer centers and existing public clouds. CERN is one of the members of the collaboration, offering its OpenStack resources and participating in the design of the infrastructure.

The participating sites form a set of heterogeneous infrastructures, some running OpenNebula and several public clouds running proprietary software. There was the need to find a common denominator for the deployment of both the required PaaS services and the end user applications. CloudFormation or Heat were technically viable options, but tied to specific implementations. TOSCA on the other hand is on its way to becoming a standard to model the full stack, with growing support in different communities.

In this presentation we will cover and demo concrete examples of using TOSCA to model a complex infrastrustructure covering multiple sites.

What can I expect to learn?

We will cover and demo concrete examples of using TOSCA to model a complex infrastructure covering multiple sites. We also describe the enhancements we have made to the Heat Translator and Heat to enable TOSCA models to execute seamlessly on OpenStack infrastructures. Finally, we describe future work on the TOSCA specification, TOSCA Parser and Heat Translator that will help simplify the configuration and management of such infrastructures and applications on it.

Monday, April 25, 3:40pm-4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Computing Engineer, CERN
Ricardo Rocha is a software engineer at CERN. He's currently a member of the CERN OpenStack team, focusing on networking and and container deployments. Previous work included development of data storage, bookkeeping and monitoring services for the LHC Computing Grid (LCG). FULL PROFILE
IBM, IBM Distinguished Engineer
Dr. Brad Topol is an IBM Distinguished Engineer in the IBM Cloud Architecture and Technology organization. In his current role, Brad leads a development team focused on contributing to and improving OpenStack and he has cross-IBM responsibility for coordinating its contributions to OpenStack. Brad serves as a member of the OpenStack Foundation Board of Directors and is also an OpenStack core... FULL PROFILE
Matt Rutkowski, STSM Cloud Open Tech. and Master Inventor at IBM, has worked to develop open infrastructure and industry standards and open source for over 15 years in areas such as Government, Banking and Digital Media and Entertainment. Most recently, he has been working on Cloud and software security standards. He was lead editor for the OASIS IDCloud TC, founder and Co-Chair of the DMTF... FULL PROFILE
IBM Software Engineer
Sahdev Zala is an IBM Advisory Software Engineer in the IBM Cloud Architecture and Technology organization. In his current role, Sahdev is Project Technical Lead (PTL) of OpenStack TOSCA-Parser and Heat-Translator projects. Both the projects are part of OpenStack Heat main program. He is a TOSCA Technical Committee member. He has also contributed towards LDAP enhancements in the OpenStack... FULL PROFILE
Mathieu Velten is a software engineer at CERN. He's currently a member of the CERN OpenStack team, focusing on service and application orchestration and container deployments, and working on the Heat translator for the INDIGO DataCloud eurropean project. Previous work included Technological Research at Atos Toulouse mainly for the French spatial agency regarding container and new Big... FULL PROFILE
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