April 25-29, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Orchestrated Containerization with OpenStack

Initial cloud designs were based upon the assumption that hardware emulation via the hypervisor was to be the most significant building block of cloud compute infrastructure. Many of those clouds were built without a workload in mind, and with an “if you build it they will come”mentality. They often failed to show value to the business. With the emergence of containerization, rich orchestration like Kubernetes and container optimized operating systems, rather than bringing workloads to the cloud, we can bring the cloud to the workloads. The benefits of orchestrated container based cloud approaches are manifold – workloadsare portable between clouds, clouds can quickly be built using existing bare metal, legacy virtualization or next generation cloud providers like OpenStack, Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS. Further integration of DevOps via PaaS only serves to enhance the organizational benefit of the non-disruptive hybrid cloud approach.

What can I expect to learn?

How to use containers with OpenStack

How to develop, deploy and manage hybrid workloads across OpenStack and public clouds.

How to leverage container standards, like Kubernetes, in implementing hybrid containerization strategies.

How to use Ansible in these scenarios.

Different architectural designs for hybrid containerization

Thursday, April 28, 9:00am-9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
GM Integrated Solutions
Lars Herrmann is always found at the forefront of technology. From the early days of Linux to today’s containerization strategy, Lars has consistently helped enterprises leverage open source technologies to drive business results. At Red Hat, Lars is General Manager of the Integrated Solutions Business Unit. His team is responsible for a portfolio of solutions and suites that bring... FULL PROFILE
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