As a first step of collaboration OPNFV has started to bring feature requests and implementation into OpenStack inorder to accelerate the evolution of NFV with using OpenStack as cloud platform. To move forward and improve the co-operation between these two communities further synchronization is needed on the roadmaps and between the developer communities. We will discuss the possibilities of sharing tool chains and ideas used for testing and generating documentation. And going even further OPNFV has even more to offer with its test frameworks and labs that can provide end to end testing for functionalities on a fully integrated platform with different storage and SDN controller options to choose from.Currently we don't have a method to verify and validate features under development. We believe solving this issue can be highly beneficial for both communities and nevertheless would strongly improve collaboration, so this is what we are looking forward to investigate in this session.
Attendees will learn about the goals and aims of OPNFV including details about testing methodology, test frameworks andlab setup. This session will also show how OpenStack can benefit from OPNFV's offerings and identify ways of furthercollaboration.