April 25-29, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

You Must Be 12 Factors High to Ride

OpenStack is a tool, and tools are meant to do one thing well. Unfortunately, people often use a tool improperly ("Get me a bigger hammer!"). The correct workload for OpenStack is an application that follows the 12 Factor App methodology. We will discuss this methodology and how OpenStack assists in adhering to it.

We will:

  • Explain the 12 Factor App methodology
  • Discuss how the 12 Factor App and OpenStack compliment each other
  • How how adopting the 12 Factor App and OpenStack enhances agility

This session discusses a specific solution that can be used by organizations to increase agility. It is a how to, not a philosophical discussion

What can I expect to learn?

It will:

  • Explain the 12 Factor App methodology
  • Discuss how the 12 Factor App and OpenStack compliment each other
  • How how adopting the 12 Factor App and OpenStack enhances agility
Wednesday, April 27, 4:30pm-5:10pm (9:30pm - 10:10pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Mirantis Inc.
Greg Pryzby has been using Open Source since the 1980s and working with Linux since 1992. Over the last 2 decades Greg has helped companies use Open Source to solve business needs. Greg is also the benevolent dictator for life of Northern Virgina Linux Users Group ( FULL PROFILE