April 25-29, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Developer Marketing and Relations: Convincing The 'Kingmakers' to Give a Crap About You

Developers are the new Kingmakers, but what are the current best and worst practices for developer marketing and relations? Today developers drive the PoCs and early adoption that make or break your product or service, and exert a huge amount of influence on the buying process. And once you've made the sale they are the ones you depend on to make sure you're a critical piece of your customers' stack. If you're in "cloud" it's highly likely that you need to reach developers. The experts on this panel will tell you how they do it, complete with stories of things gone wrong and gone right. Find out which of the current mediums (blogs, docs, social media, conferences, etc.) are the most effective, and walk away with practical, actionable tips for currying the favor of all those flip-flop wearing, overly hair-tinted code monkeys that seem to keep killing your chance at signing a deal.

What can I expect to learn?

Marketers and product managers in the OpenStack ecosystem will learn why developers are such an important target and how to reach them.

Thursday, April 28, 9:50am-10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Director, Technical Marketing
Michael Coté works at Pivotal in technical marketing. He’s been an industry analyst at 451 Research and RedMonk, worked in corporate strategy and M&A at Dell in software and cloud, and was a programmer for a decade before all that. He blogs and podcasts at and is @cote in Twitter. FULL PROFILE
Director of Marketing at CoreOS
Melissa Smolensky has a decade of public relations experience in technology, entertainment and digital entertainment. She is passionate about the future of technology and how technology is changing the way we consume and interact. Currently Melissa is the Director of Marketing at CoreOS where she oversees all marketing efforts. Prior to CoreOS, she led marketing for... FULL PROFILE
Founder at The New Stack
  Alex Williams is founder and editor in chief of The New Stack. He's a longtime technology journalist who did stints at TechCrunch, SiliconAngle and what is now known as ReadWrite. Alex has been a journalist since the late 1980s, starting at the Augusta Chronicle in 1989 after completing his master's degree from Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism. Early in his career,... FULL PROFILE
Community Wrangler at OpenStack Foundation
OpenStack Community Wrangler focused on app developrs and end users. Former OpenStack trainer, community member and fan at the University of Melbourne. FULL PROFILE
Partner, The Frontside
Brandon left the world of marketing to find that creating software made him happy. Today he codes and helps run The Frontside, a boutique front-end web consultancy. He blogs about the tech industry at and muses on Twitter as @tehviking. Brandon’s lifelong mission to to hug every developer. FULL PROFILE
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