April 25-29, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Leveraging OpenStack IaaS to Run Mesos/Marathon at Time Warner Cable

Time Warner Cable (TWC) is one of the early adopters of OpenStack. Spurred by the automation and self-service capabilities achieved through our OpenStack journey, we were ready to take on our next ambitious project – deploying container based microservices applications on top of OpenStack. We chose Mesos / Marathon as our application and container run-time platform on OpenStack IaaS. This is a tight collaboration between the OpenStack team at TWC and the new Application Services group.

In this session, we will discuss our experiences with the technology, tools, and techniques that made this possible at TWC. We will make this an interactive session to learn from our collective experiences.

What can I expect to learn?

This session will share our experiences and how we thought through our needs for the project. Attendees will learn the considerations for deploying, monitoring, and running critical apps in production on large clusters. Specifically, we will discuss the questions below that all organizations deploying microservices applications need to address.

  • How do we perform service discovery in this environment?
  • How do we monitor and troubleshoot? E.g. which of the several microservices that make up the application is at fault?
  • What can we do to understand the traffic patterns between different services?
  • How do we isolate apps or enforce security policies for the interactions between microservices?
  • When and how do we autoscale our services?
Tuesday, April 26, 2:00pm-2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Engineering Director, Application Services, Time W FULL PROFILE
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