April 25-29, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Let's Build an OpenStack Cross Project and User Story Dashboard!
The OpenStack community currently has several ways to track requirements and implementation at the project level from blueprints to specs to Gerrit, however it is still fairly difficult to track cross project needs and user stories (concepts) that require work across multiple projects and, potentially, multiple releases.   In this session, we will cover a need for greater visibility from the Product WG that aligns well with the general cross-project development tracking needs in the community which resulted in our project to create a cross-project user story dashboard.   We have started working on a prototype and would be glad to receive feedback, and assistance, from the OpenStack development community!  The session will conclude with a demonstration of our progress thus far.
Monday, April 25, 11:15am-11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Offering Manager, IBM Cloud
    I have been in the OpenStack community since 2013 and I am currently participating in the Product WG, Enterprise WG and I also helped to define the newly created Active User Contributor (AUC) designation in the OpenStack community. At Athenahealth, I am focused on our infrastructure/cloud services strategy, operations, and participate extensively in OpenStack user... FULL PROFILE
Cloud software engineer
Software engineer working on open source projects related to cloud computing. She has been collaborating in the cloud developer experience improvement for OpenStack through SDK development, sample apps, training, hackathons and documentation. FULL PROFILE
Victor has 11 years of experience in IT. He has performed different roles from Dev to QA engineering and the few recent years He has been involved in engineering management roles. Victor has participated in the world of provisioning and self-service tools  for different domains, including hosting, network, OS and bare metal. He is currently involved in OpenStack as a manager of... FULL PROFILE
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