From the moment OpenStack control plane is deployed it becomes a working piece of history. Why not treat OpenStack services like set of living projects that uses the same tools the developers use to build, test and deploy your OpenStack? Openstack-salt provides model that allows to deploy security patches, bug fixes, manage service lifecycle and releases off a simple git commit. This makes your OpenStack operationally manageable once again and adding new hypervisors or entire regions is fun again. Continuous Delivery with Openstack-salt doesn't mean that every change is deployed to production right away, but means that every changes is proven and can be deployed safely at any time.
What is the problem or use case you’re addressing in this session?
How do you stay current with OpenStack? How to control operations of your OpenStack deployment.
How to make OpenStack operationally manageable with specific examples of how we continuously deliver OpenStack using Openstack-salt model-based pipelines.
Why should this session be selected? Our session tackles real world problems that large scale companies are going to face when operating OpenStack.