April 25-29, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Massively Distributed Clouds Working Group Inaugural Meeting

The objectives of this inaugural meeting are: 
- To present in details the massively distributed cloud use-case (aka, the Fog/Edge Computing paradigm) 
- To identify persons/institutions that might be interested to take part to such a WG; 
- To identify on-going related activities addressed inside but also outside the OpenStack community (short presentations will be given); 
- To define a roadmap and identify key persons that can contribute to make OpenStack cooperative by default.

The major difference with respect to existing WGs such as the Large-Scale deployment one, is that we would like to address challenges related to the geo-distribution of resources and WANwide exchanges (one single cloud/cell but deployed across multiple small sites). Concretely, we want to study how the vanilla OpenStack code can support the Fog/Edge Computing use-case while minimising the changes on the OpenStack internals.

Further information available at: 


Tuesday, April 26, 4:40pm-6:10pm (9:40pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Full Professor
Dr. Adrien Lebre is Professor at IMT Atlantique.  He received his Ph.D. from Grenoble Institute of Technologies in September 2006. His research interests are distributed and Internet computing. Since 2011, he is member of the Architect and Executive boards of Grid’5000. Dr. Adrien Lebre has taken part to several program committees of conferences and workshops ( ICDCS, CCGRID, SC, HPDC,... FULL PROFILE
Research Engineer - Discovery Technical Manager
Matthieu Simonin is permanent research engineer at INRIA. His primary task is to help research teams to build and develop various software and experimentation on large infrastructures. His topics of interest include :  distributed systems, cloud computing IT automation Data visualisation FULL PROFILE
Senior Scientist
Dr. Craig A. Lee is a Senior Scientist in the Computer Systems Research Department of the Aerospace Corporation. He has worked in high-performance parallel and distributed computing for the last thirty years. This work has led to Dr. Lee's involvement in the Open Grid Forum (OGF) where he served as President from 2007 to 2010, and facilitated the global federation of “big science”... FULL PROFILE
Principal architect of Huawei FusionSphere (OpenStack based Cloud OS).  The initial, Ocata and Pike PTL of the OpenStack Tricircle project ( ) for tenant level networking automation across OpenStack clouds. The initial and current PTL and key committer of OPNFV multisite project: The key system... FULL PROFILE
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