Search Result
Schedule Matches
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Contributing to the Success of OpenStack
Mon 25, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
How to Create an OpenStack Project
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
A Cloudy Forecast - Contributing Platform Drivers to Upstream OpenStack
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Want to be an OpenStack Intern?
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
From Upstream Documentation To Downstream Product Knowledge Base
Mon 25, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Life on OpenStack Outside The Kernel
Mon 25, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
How to Become an Advanced Contributor
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
How to Strike a Balance/Align Between Your Community Work and Your Employer's Objectives in OpenStack
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Swift: Community Feedback and How to Contribute