Search Result
Schedule Matches
Sun 24, 10:00am - 4:00pm (3:00pm - 9:00pm UTC)
Upstream University - Saturday & Sunday
Sun 24, 12:00pm - 3:00pm (5:00pm - 8:00pm UTC)
Command Presence Workshop, Organized by the Women of OpenStack
Mon 25, 7:00am - 8:45am (12:00pm - 1:45pm UTC)
Speed Mentoring, Organized by The Women Of OpenStack
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
OpenStack-Health Dashboard and Dealing with Data from the Gate
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
OpenStack Infrastructure for Beginners
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Making Cloud Interoperability Across OpenStack Vendors a Possibility Using RefStack
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Canonical - Carrier grade architecture with public cloud economics - the keys to successful OpenStack operations
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
IBM - Why IBM is Betting on OpenStack
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Red Hat - Deploying OpenStack for Telecommunications
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Cisco - Saucin’ Up Your Stack with Pivotal Cloud Foundry
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Let's Build an OpenStack Cross Project and User Story Dashboard!
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
How to Take Flight with OpenStack
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Key Requirements for OpenStack Backup and Recovery
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)'s OpenStack Networking Strategy: Eliminating Network Failover Time
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Flat No More! Hierarchical Multitenancy and Projects Acting as Domains in OpenStack
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Architect Application Workload for OpenStack Cloud
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Contributing to the Success of OpenStack
Mon 25, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Panel: Pros and Cons of Various OpenStack Consumption Models
Mon 25, 11:15am - 12:45pm (4:15pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Monasca Bootcamp
Mon 25, 11:15am - 12:45pm (4:15pm - 5:45pm UTC)
OpenStack Tacker Hands-on Lab Session (NFV)
Mon 25, 11:30am - 11:45am (4:30pm - 4:45pm UTC)
Understanding the Container Landscape and its Associated Projects in OpenStack
Mon 25, 11:45am - 12:00pm (4:45pm - 5:00pm UTC)
Dynamic Fine-Grained Tracing
Mon 25, 11:45am - 12:00pm (4:45pm - 5:00pm UTC)
Autonomous Network Management – Leverage Observability Metrics to Achieve Automation Nirvana
Mon 25, 12:00pm - 12:15pm (5:00pm - 5:15pm UTC)
Performance Improvement Tips for SWIFT
Mon 25, 12:00pm - 12:15pm (5:00pm - 5:15pm UTC)
Cisco – On-Demand Development Clouds
Mon 25, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Cinder Project Update
Mon 25, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Canonical - Using containers to create the World's fastest OpenStack
Mon 25, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
NetApp - The World’s Most Interesting Storage Session: The #UnstoppableForce of NetApp & SolidFire
Mon 25, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Red Hat - Going Beyond OpenStack - The integrated cloud solution stack
Mon 25, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Cisco - Sungard and Cisco Deliver an Enterprise Cloud Featuring Policy-Based Automation
Mon 25, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Elephant in the Room: What's the TCO for an OpenStack Cloud?
Mon 25, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Japan and Canada: Consortiums Models that work
Mon 25, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Expanding DBaaS Workloads with OpenStack Trove and Manila
Mon 25, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
How to Create an OpenStack Project
Mon 25, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Intelligent Workload HA in Openstack
Mon 25, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
End-To-End Monitoring of OpenStack Cloud
Mon 25, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Performance Measuring Tools for the Cloud
Mon 25, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
What Science Knows About Happiness That Could Transform OpenStack
Mon 25, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Live from Oslo
Mon 25, 12:15pm - 12:30pm (5:15pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Deploying Router Functionalities as VNF
Mon 25, 12:15pm - 12:30pm (5:15pm - 5:30pm UTC)
How Yahoo! Plans to Maximize Resource Consumption!
Mon 25, 12:30pm - 12:40pm (5:30pm - 5:40pm UTC)
Create Continuous Instance Sync at OpenStack Storage Level for Accelerating DevOps Adoption
Mon 25, 12:30pm - 12:45pm (5:30pm - 5:45pm UTC)
The All-In-One Deployment of Pre-Integrated Optimization Model and Its Derivatives for Large-Scale Deployment Architecture Conceive
Mon 25, 12:45pm - 1:00pm (5:45pm - 6:00pm UTC)
Cisco’s Platform for Next Gen Microservices:
Mon 25, 12:45pm - 1:00pm (5:45pm - 6:00pm UTC)
Create QOS Tiers for Differentiated Services Provided by OpenStack Private Cloud
Mon 25, 1:30pm - 1:40pm (6:30pm - 6:40pm UTC)
Nova Console Support for Ironic Bare Metals
Mon 25, 1:30pm - 1:45pm (6:30pm - 6:45pm UTC)
Using OpenStack Fuel to Customize Tata’s Deployment
Mon 25, 1:45pm - 2:00pm (6:45pm - 7:00pm UTC)
Network Traffic Logging
Mon 25, 1:45pm - 2:00pm (6:45pm - 7:00pm UTC)
OpenStack Storage Across Datacenters
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:15pm (7:00pm - 7:15pm UTC)
Intel’s Open Security Controller Platform: Bringing Advanced Security to OpenStack
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:15pm (7:00pm - 7:15pm UTC)
Diversity @ OpenStack
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Meet the OpenStack Personas (So Far)
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Cross Release Themes: Update
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Canonical - Production Proven Tools to Deploy and Manage OpenStack Lifecycle Operations
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise - The Future of Cloud: Open solutions for the Enterprise
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Red Hat - How to Quickly and efficiently migrate legacy workloads to the Cloud
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Cisco - Scaling Containers and OpenStack
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Application Ecosystem Work Group BOF Session
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
We Love Data: Ten Things The User Survey Reveals About OpenStack
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Integrating OpenStack into a Legacy Enterprise Environment
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 3:30pm (7:00pm - 8:30pm UTC)
API Working Group Mitaka Cycle Roundup
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Senlin Clustering Service Deep Dive
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Couch to OpenStack - Getting Started with the OpenStack Learning Lab
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Lift and Shift
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
A Cloudy Forecast - Contributing Platform Drivers to Upstream OpenStack
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Three’s Company: Are You Jack, Janet, or Chrissy? How Teams Can Work Together to Create Better OpenStack Solutions
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
OpenStack Pulse: Unbiased Research on Enterprise Demand, TCO, and Market Size
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 3:30pm (7:00pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Configure Your Cloud for Auto-Recovery
Mon 25, 2:00pm - 3:30pm (7:00pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Hands On to Configure Your Cloud to Be Able to Charge Your Users Using Official OpenStack Components!
Mon 25, 2:15pm - 2:30pm (7:15pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Multi-Region Security Group
Mon 25, 2:15pm - 2:30pm (7:15pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Scaling OpenStack with a Shared-Nothing Architecture
Mon 25, 2:30pm - 2:45pm (7:30pm - 7:45pm UTC)
Cisco – OpenStack and Cisco Application Centric
Mon 25, 2:30pm - 2:45pm (7:30pm - 7:45pm UTC)
Multi-Node ZUUL Gate for Bare-Metal and Docker
Mon 25, 2:45pm - 3:00pm (7:45pm - 8:00pm UTC)
Ansible – Beyond Playbooks and OpenStack Deployments
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Canonical - ZFS, Ceph and Swift for OpenStack and containers with Manila at Deutsche Telekom.
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Rackspace - "IS IT SAFE?" Taking Torture Out of OpenStack and Neutron
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Red Hat - Making Ceph the powerhouse you know it can be!
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
VMware - IBM + VMware : Everything you need to know about OpenStack + VMware
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Evolving Virtual Networking with IO Visor
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Strategies for Migrating Business Critical Applications to OpenStack Clouds
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Orchestrating Tasks with Mistral Workflow Service
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Want to be an OpenStack Intern?
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
OpenStack Stable: What It Actually Means to Maintain Stable Branches
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
The EU Runs on OpenStack
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Elevating OpenStack Out of the Corporate Basement
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Guaranteeing Performance in High-Density OpenStack Environments
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
The Big Tent, One Year Later
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
DEFCON 3: OpenStack Meets the Information Security Department
Mon 25, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Analyst Q&A: What the Analysts Who Cover OpenStack *Really* Think
Mon 25, 3:00pm - 3:15pm (8:00pm - 8:15pm UTC)
Keystone v3, Single Sign On, and Multi-Domain in a Managed Cloud
Mon 25, 3:00pm - 3:15pm (8:00pm - 8:15pm UTC)
Multi-Data Center OpenStack Carrier Grade for CSPs – A Reality
Mon 25, 3:30pm - 3:45pm (8:30pm - 8:45pm UTC)
Security-Group Aware Baremetal and Infra-Network Environment
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
EMC - Using ScaleIO in an OpenStack Environment
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Red Hat - Co-Engineering an Enterprise-Grade OpenStack by Rackspace and Red Hat
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
VMware - Charter, PernixData, VMware : A case study on running high performance workloads using OpenStack, FVP and vSphere.
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Using IO Visor to Secure Microservices Running on Cloud Foundry
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Volkswagen Breakout
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
The Omniscient Cloud: Bare Metal Inspection Status Update
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Winning Marketing Strategies for OpenStack
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
“Agile SI” – A Model and Best Practices for Deploying OpenStack Platforms
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
From Upstream Documentation To Downstream Product Knowledge Base
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
CERN and Science Clouds in Europe with TOSCA, OpenStack Heat and the Heat Translator
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
OpenAPI as a Standard - A New Way Forward for API Documentation, Design and Tool
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Nova Cells V2: What's Going On?
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
The Performance Issues of Cinder Under High Concurrent Pressure and Large-scale Environment
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Interoperability: The Elephants in the Room & What We're Doing About Them
Mon 25, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
A Proxy for OpenStack Adoption: Market Trends in Software-defined Infrastructure and Cloud
Mon 25, 3:45pm - 4:00pm (8:45pm - 9:00pm UTC)
Improving Neutron for Building a Large Scale Overlay Network of an OpenStack Based Public Cloud
Mon 25, 4:00pm - 4:15pm (9:00pm - 9:15pm UTC)
So You Have to “Do Cloud”…
Mon 25, 4:00pm - 4:15pm (9:00pm - 9:15pm UTC)
VMware DVS plugin in comparison to other networking VMware backends
Mon 25, 4:15pm - 4:30pm (9:15pm - 9:30pm UTC)
“I didn’t see it coming”
Mon 25, 4:30pm - 4:45pm (9:30pm - 9:45pm UTC)
How to save your Openstack cloud from failing?
Mon 25, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Deep Dive into Neutron Upgrade Story
Mon 25, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
DevTest Cloud : The Ultimate OpenStack UseCase
Mon 25, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
OpenShift and OpenStack: Devlivering Applications Together
Mon 25, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Mon 25, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Red Hat -Take advantage of key OpenStack services for NFV and the Telecommunications industry
Mon 25, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
VMware - Amadeus’s journey building a Software Defined Data Center with VMware Integrated OpenStack (VIO) and NSX
Mon 25, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
A Ring to Rule Them All - Revising OpenStack Internals to Operate Massively Distributed Clouds
Mon 25, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Swisscom in Production with OpenStack and Cloud Foundry
Mon 25, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Hunting for Purple Squirrels: Hiring OpenStack Contributors in the Wild
Mon 25, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
How Stuff Works: Cinder Replication and Live-Migration
Mon 25, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Life on OpenStack Outside The Kernel
Mon 25, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Scalable Heat Engine Using Convergence
Mon 25, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
OpenStack is Ready, Are You?—Redux
Mon 25, 4:40pm - 6:10pm (9:40pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Workshop - Swift 101: Technology & Architecture for Beginners
Mon 25, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Log Management with Monasca
Mon 25, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Mellanox - Open Composable Networks: Leverage Lego Design to Transform Cloud Networking
Mon 25, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Red Hat - Red Hat & Cisco - Providing Enterprise Choice with OpenStack
Mon 25, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
VMware - VMware + HedgeServ: An Operator’s View on Troubleshooting, Monitoring, Upgrade and Patching OpenStack
Mon 25, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Rule Breaker! - Upgrading an OpenStack Cloud While Skipping a Release
Mon 25, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
How OpenStack Helps Business Innovation at Lenovo
Mon 25, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Lockless Upgrades - How to Upgrade OpenStack Without Locking Up Your DB
Mon 25, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Tempest Stable Interfaces for OpenStack Integration Testing
Mon 25, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
How to Become an Advanced Contributor
Mon 25, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
There and Back Again - Moving Data Across Your Clouds
Mon 25, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Things I Wish My Mother Had Told Me: Customer Experiences with Openstack, and How to Make it Better
Mon 25, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Lightning Talks
Mon 25, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Media Q&A: The Journalistic Perspective on the Present and Future of OpenStack
Tue 26, 7:00am - 8:45am (12:00pm - 1:45pm UTC)
Women of OpenStack Working Session Sponsored by Comcast
Tue 26, 11:00am - 11:20am (4:00pm - 4:20pm UTC)
Cumulus Networks - Prototype tool for monitoring and troubleshooting OpenStack deployments built with a framework of Ansible, InfluxDb, Bash, and Python
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
I’m Having an OpenStack Party, and It’s BYOK!
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Scientific Working Group Inaugural Meeting
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
A Problem: Single Sourcing with Sphinx
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Dell - Enabling, managing and orchestrating workloads in an OpenStack environment: A behind the scenes look at Intel Rack Scale Architecture and AMI Pod Manager running on rack-scale infrastructure
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
INSPUR - Inspur Rackscale Open Hardware Platforms and Incloud OS Available to Support OpenStack
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
IBM - OpenStack for Beginners (Your Private Tour of the Massive Project)
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
HPE - Security & Compliance in OpenStack
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Deploy an Elastic, Resilient, Load-Balanced Cluster in 5 Minutes with Senlin
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
AT&T's OpenStack Journey. Driving Enterprise Workloads Using OpenStack as the Unified Control Plane
Tue 26, 11:15am - 12:45pm (4:15pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Building Distributed Systems with CoreOS
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Automated Security Hardening with OpenStack-Ansible
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Using OpenStack to Clean up After Itself: Automatically Run Mistral Workflows in Response to OpenStack Notifications
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Cinder and Docker, Like Peanut Butter and Chocolate
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
DevOps At Betfair Using Openstack and SDN
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
How to Strike a Balance/Align Between Your Community Work and Your Employer's Objectives in OpenStack
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
OpenStack - Divination to Delivery
Tue 26, 11:15am - 11:55am (4:15pm - 4:55pm UTC)
Can't Sleep, Clouds Will Eat Me: 4 Perspectives on Supporting OpenStack Deployments
Tue 26, 11:15am - 12:45pm (4:15pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Hands-on Lab: Test Drive your OpenStack Network
Tue 26, 11:25am - 11:45am (4:25pm - 4:45pm UTC)
HPE - What's possible with Cloud: The U-RBE EXPERIENCE?
Tue 26, 11:30am - 11:45am (4:30pm - 4:45pm UTC)
Container Based Dynamic Service Chaining and Injection
Tue 26, 11:45am - 12:00pm (4:45pm - 5:00pm UTC)
IT Transformation: Journey to OpenStack private clouds
Tue 26, 11:45am - 12:00pm (4:45pm - 5:00pm UTC)
Redesigning a better wheel using OPNFV for superior service chains
Tue 26, 11:50am - 12:10pm (4:50pm - 5:10pm UTC)
SUSE -Delivering an OpenStack Cloud Fit for Your Enterprise Business
Tue 26, 12:00pm - 12:15pm (5:00pm - 5:15pm UTC)
The Journey Towards Optimal NFV Network Performance
Tue 26, 12:00pm - 12:15pm (5:00pm - 5:15pm UTC)
Continuously Delivering OpenStack
Tue 26, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
OPNFV and OpenStack Collaboration BoF
Tue 26, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Dell - Developing a Policy-driven, Platform-aware and DevOps-friendly Nova Scheduler
Tue 26, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
DataDog - Monitoring OpenStack at Lithium and Datadog
Tue 26, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
IBM - Open Cloud: A Platform of Possibilities - Use Cases from IBM and Blue Box
Tue 26, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
HPE - Lifecycle Management of OpenStack Using Ansible
Tue 26, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Learn You Some OpenStack for Great Good!
Tue 26, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Showback & Chargeback!! OpenStack Gnocchi + Cloudkitty as a Whole Billing System
Tue 26, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Freezer: From Backup/Restore aaS to a Fully DR Solution for OpenStack
Tue 26, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Integrate Active Directory with OpenStack Keystone
Tue 26, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
How to Troubleshoot OpenStack Without Losing Sleep
Tue 26, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Open Stack at Carrier Scale
Tue 26, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Learnings of a Service Provider Building an OpenStack Cloud from Scratch
Tue 26, 12:05pm - 12:45pm (5:05pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Control Plane Architectures: Design Solutions
Tue 26, 12:05pm - 2:40pm (5:05pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Champions for Change: Engaging Male Advocates for Diversity and Inclusion
Tue 26, 12:15pm - 12:30pm (5:15pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Evaluating third party plugins against Red Hat OpenStack Platform
Tue 26, 12:15pm - 12:30pm (5:15pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Multi-cloud Networking
Tue 26, 12:15pm - 12:35pm (5:15pm - 5:35pm UTC)
Dreamhost - What's New with DreamHost DreamCompute
Tue 26, 12:15pm - 12:55pm (5:15pm - 5:55pm UTC)
Self Heal Your OpenStack Control Plane!
Tue 26, 12:30pm - 12:45pm (5:30pm - 5:45pm UTC)
OpenShift, Kubernetes and OpenStack: Cross Community Collaboration in Action
Tue 26, 12:30pm - 12:45pm (5:30pm - 5:45pm UTC)
So Your OpenStack Cloud is Built…Now What’s Next?
Tue 26, 12:40pm - 1:00pm (5:40pm - 6:00pm UTC)
ZConverter, Inc. - Hybrid Cloud Migration among Private OpenStack & Public Clouds
Tue 26, 12:45pm - 1:00pm (5:45pm - 6:00pm UTC)
Continuous Deployment with Openstack: PaaS offering for DevOps
Tue 26, 1:00pm - 1:15pm (6:00pm - 6:15pm UTC)
How to Write OpenStack Applications
Tue 26, 1:05pm - 1:25pm (6:05pm - 6:25pm UTC)
NetApp - The Rest of the Iceberg - OpenStack tips you’ve got to try
Tue 26, 1:15pm - 1:30pm (6:15pm - 6:30pm UTC)
Saving On-Prem Cloud
Tue 26, 1:15pm - 1:30pm (6:15pm - 6:30pm UTC)
Big Iron Clouds
Tue 26, 1:30pm - 1:45pm (6:30pm - 6:45pm UTC)
Faking a Bare Metal Lab Using Public Cloud Resources
Tue 26, 1:30pm - 1:50pm (6:30pm - 6:50pm UTC)
Intel - OpenStack Development & Testing at Unprecedented Scale
Tue 26, 1:30pm - 2:00pm (6:30pm - 7:00pm UTC)
Fully Open TOSCA-Based MANO – with an OPNFV vIMS Demo
Tue 26, 1:45pm - 2:00pm (6:45pm - 7:00pm UTC)
Finding needles in the unified storage haystack
Tue 26, 1:55pm - 2:15pm (6:55pm - 7:15pm UTC)
Scality - The Best of Both Worlds: OpenStack and S3 Based Storage Services
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:15pm (7:00pm - 7:15pm UTC)
Upstream OpenStack: AT&T’s New World
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:15pm (7:00pm - 7:15pm UTC)
Introducing Neutron Purge – Deleting your leftover resources with one simple command.
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Make Workloads Nomadic When Accelerated - Introduction of the Nomad Project
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Moving a Running OpenStack Cloud to a New Data Center
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Creating a Hybrid Cloud - Openstack + Public Cloud Provider
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Leveraging OpenStack IaaS to Run Mesos/Marathon at Time Warner Cable
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Dell - Performance Measuring with SPEC Cloud
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Oracle - Secure, Containerized and Highly-Available OpenStack on Oracle Solaris
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
IBM - Modelling, Deploying and Managing Applications in IBM Blue Box with Cloudsoft AMP
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
HPE - Achieving OpenStack Carrier-Grade performance and reliability
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Baremetal as a Service Within the Enterprise: An SAP Use-Case
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Enterprise Work Group
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
OpenStack Tenant Perspectives
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
One Does Not Simply Use Multiple Backends in Cinder... You Have to Listen to Our Presentation First.
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Deploying OpenStack Using Docker in Production
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Raising Money In the Private Cloud Market
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Migration Rodeo: Herding Pets and Grooming Cattle
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 2:40pm (7:00pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Confronting Complexity - The Number One Barrier to Enterprise Adoption
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 3:30pm (7:00pm - 8:30pm UTC)
OpenStack Trove Training and Basic Tutorial
Tue 26, 2:00pm - 3:30pm (7:00pm - 8:30pm UTC)
How to Develop an Internet or Mobile Application with OpenStack Swift?
Tue 26, 2:15pm - 2:30pm (7:15pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Deploy TOSCA NFV Workloads into OpenStack Cloud
Tue 26, 2:20pm - 2:40pm (7:20pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Nuage Networks - A-la-carte application deployment and service insertion for OpenStack Clouds
Tue 26, 2:30pm - 2:45pm (7:30pm - 7:45pm UTC)
Intercloud collaboration with Alliance Gateway
Tue 26, 2:45pm - 3:00pm (7:45pm - 8:00pm UTC)
Auto-discoverer for OpenStack deployment architecture
Tue 26, 2:45pm - 3:00pm (7:45pm - 8:00pm UTC)
How Enterprise Deal With East West vs. North South Traffic in Openstack
Tue 26, 2:45pm - 3:05pm (7:45pm - 8:05pm UTC)
F5 Networks - Technically Speaking..Are You in or Are You Out?
Tue 26, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Seeking Fame and Fortune in OpenStack Startup Land
Tue 26, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Non Coding Contributors
Tue 26, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
HPE - Multi-Data Center OpenStack Carrier Grade for CSPs – A reality
Tue 26, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Ericsson - Changing the Context with OpenStack Orchestration to Support SDN/NFV
Tue 26, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
IBM - Open Without Limits -- LinuxONE, Ubuntu 16.04 and OpenStack
Tue 26, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
OpenStack Talent Development - Lessons Learned
Tue 26, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
The Test Takers' Guide to the Certified OpenStack Administrator Exam
Tue 26, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Troubleshooting oslo.messaging / RabbitMQ issues
Tue 26, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Manila: Experience It Through Demos!
Tue 26, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Performance Analysis in Large-scale Deployment - A Single Thousand-nodes Cluster
Tue 26, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
JFE Steel Corporation Accelerates Growth and Globalization with OpenStack Cloud
Tue 26, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Tue 26, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
OpenStack in the Enterprise - Panel Discussion
Tue 26, 2:50pm - 3:30pm (7:50pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Introduction to Container Security
Tue 26, 3:00pm - 3:15pm (8:00pm - 8:15pm UTC)
How to help your Private cloud act like a Public cloud : Hierarchical Mutitenancy and Nested Quota
Tue 26, 3:10pm - 3:30pm (8:10pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Scalr - A Policy Driven Cloud Environment
Tue 26, 3:15pm - 3:30pm (8:15pm - 8:30pm UTC)
Orchestrating Kubernetes on OpenStack and other clouds
Tue 26, 3:30pm - 3:45pm (8:30pm - 8:45pm UTC)
Accelerate application development with faster build cycles in private and hybrid cloud
Tue 26, 3:35pm - 3:55pm (8:35pm - 8:55pm UTC)
EasyStack - ESCaaS 2.0, One platform for Bare-metal, VM and Container
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Guide to Simulation of Bare Metal servers for scale testing
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
IBM - One Network to Rule Them All: Open, Scalable, & Integrated Networking for Containers & VMs
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
And Now For Our Regularly Scheduled OpenStack Roadmap Update!
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Scientific Community Clouds: Five Directors of Community Clouds Responsible for a Quarter Million Cores Worldwide
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
HPE- DevOps for NFV through OpenStack
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Turning Pets into Cattle - the Stickiness of Data
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Panel: Building a Business with Open Source
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Advances in Keystone's Role Based Access Control
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Cloud Operations at Scale
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Ambassador Community Report
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
High Availability for Pets and Hypervisors - State of The Nation
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Designing for High Performance Ceph at Scale
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
How to Scale a Swift Infrastructure Without Scaling People
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Cerner’s Journey Towards a Secure Software Defined Data Center
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
OpenStack for VMware Admins
Tue 26, 3:40pm - 4:20pm (8:40pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Case Study: From AWS to an OpenStack Private Cloud
Tue 26, 3:45pm - 4:00pm (8:45pm - 9:00pm UTC)
Fujitsu – Community’s first 3rd party CI test system behind the company firewall
Tue 26, 4:00pm - 4:20pm (9:00pm - 9:20pm UTC)
UnitedStack - The way to enterprise Openstack deployment as a Service
Tue 26, 4:15pm - 4:45pm (9:15pm - 9:45pm UTC)
Making OpenStack Server SAN aware / Storage multi-tenancy for OpenStack Manila and Cinder built using Linux containers
Tue 26, 4:25pm - 4:45pm (9:25pm - 9:45pm UTC)
Juniper Networks - Building Secure-Networks Across Cloud Boundaries
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
RDO Community Meetup
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Tips from Community Managers: Effective Strategies for Building a Vibrant User and Developer Community
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Production Ready OpenStack in 12 Parsecs
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
HPE - OpenStack in Production - Panel
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
IBM - Accelerating Mobile App delivery with IBM UrbanCode Deploy, Heat, and OpenStack
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
British Tax Authority HMRC's OpenStack Journey
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
The Diversity of Innovation
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 6:10pm (9:40pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Massively Distributed Clouds Working Group Inaugural Meeting
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Ceph at Scale - Bloomberg Cloud Storage Platform
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Amalgamating Manilla And Swift for Unified Data Sharing Across Instances
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Tuning RabbitMQ at Large Scale Cloud
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Experiences and Priorities for Private Cloud Keystone and Public Cloud Keystone
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Saving Your A** Since Essex - An Update on the OpenStack Security Project
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Upgrading OpenStack? Sit With Our Panel of Experts to Hear Their Stories
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 5:20pm (9:40pm - 10:20pm UTC)
Split Brain: Overlays as Seen by Linux Vs. Networking Folks
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 6:10pm (9:40pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Designate: Interactive Workshop - Install and Operate, Hands-On Lab
Tue 26, 4:40pm - 6:10pm (9:40pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Meta-Do's and Dont's: A Hands-On Exploration of the OpenStack Metadata Service
Tue 26, 4:45pm - 5:00pm (9:45pm - 10:00pm UTC)
Enhanced security in Bare Metal provisioning
Tue 26, 4:50pm - 5:10pm (9:50pm - 10:10pm UTC)
AeroFS - Content-Centric Collaboration: Turbo-Boosting Team Efficiency Through a Combined Messaging and File Sync Solution on OpenStack
Tue 26, 5:15pm - 5:35pm (10:15pm - 10:35pm UTC)
OpenDay Light - Collaborating with OpenDaylight for a Network-Enabled Cloud
Tue 26, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Customer Happiness as a Metric
Tue 26, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Improving Cloud Performance with GCC Latest Technologies in Clear Linux Project
Tue 26, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
HPE - Ignite session: What’s Hot and What’s new
Tue 26, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Cephfs as a Service with OpenStack Manila
Tue 26, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
OpenStack HA, or not HA: That is the Question!
Tue 26, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Hey Storage Engineer: Tell me About Backups in OpenStack!
Tue 26, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
How to Integrate OpenStack Swift to Your "Legacy" System
Tue 26, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Windows and OpenStack - What's New in Windows Server 2016
Tue 26, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Using Open Source Security Architecture to Defend against Targeted Attacks
Tue 26, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Making the Economics of OpenStack Work
Tue 26, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
The Great Distro Bakeoff - Our Journey in Setting Up an OpenStack Environment that Actually Works
Tue 26, 5:30pm - 6:10pm (10:30pm - 11:10pm UTC)
Continuous Compliance & Enforcement of Location-Based Policies in an OpenStack Cloud
Tue 26, 5:40pm - 6:00pm (10:40pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Diamanti – How to Guarantee Performance for Containers at Scale
Wed 27, 7:30am - 8:45am (12:30pm - 1:45pm UTC)
The New Reality: Clusters, Containers and Thousands of Clouds
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Project Kuryr - Docker Delivered, Kubernetes Next!
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Telco Cloud Requirements: What VNF's Are Asking For
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
State Grid Corporation of China Embraces OpenStack to Avoid Vendor Lock-In
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
EMC - Simplifying your setup and ongoing operations with a turnkey approach to building an OpenStack cloud
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
TryStack: The Free OpenStack Sandbox for Earth
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Continuously Delivering OpenStack Using OpenStack-Salt
Wed 27, 9:00am - 11:00am (2:00pm - 4:00pm UTC)
Solinea Training: OpenStack Monitoring and Compliance
Wed 27, 9:00am - 6:00pm (2:00pm - 11:00pm UTC)
UX OpenStack Client Study
Wed 27, 9:00am - 6:00pm (2:00pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Mirantis Two-Day Training: OpenStack Fuel Administration (FUEL100) (Day 1 of 2) - AT MAX CAPACITY
Wed 27, 9:00am - 6:00pm (2:00pm - 11:00pm UTC)
SUSE Two-Day Training: OpenStack Administration - Prepare for the Certified OpenStack Administrator Exam (DAY 1 of 2) - AT MAX CAPACITY
Wed 27, 9:00am - 6:00pm (2:00pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Red Hat One-Day Training: Red Hat OpenStack Platform Director
Wed 27, 9:00am - 6:00pm (2:00pm - 11:00pm UTC)
One-Day Cloud Foundry and Altoros Training: Cloud Foundry PaaS on OpenStack for DevOps Engineers
Wed 27, 9:00am - 6:00pm (2:00pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Rackspace One-Day Training: OpenStack Unpacked - AT MAX CAPACITY
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Swift Object Encryption
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Zaqar Messaging for Microservices and IoT
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Mesos and OpenStack: The Perfect Tag Team for Containers
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Deploying OpenStack for The National Science Foundation's Newest Supercomputers
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Neutron DSCP: Policing your Network
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Deploying OpenStack-Ansible - The Quick and Dirty Guide
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Distributed NFV & OpenStack: Challenges and Potential Solutions
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Openstack Components as Containerized MicroServices
Wed 27, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Stateless Hypervisors at Scale, We'll Do It Live!
Wed 27, 9:00am - 10:30am (2:00pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Getting Started With OpenStack
Wed 27, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Project Vitrage: How to Organize, Analyze and Visualize your OpenStack Cloud
Wed 27, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Business Cloud Advisor - Enterprise Strategies for Cloud Adoption
Wed 27, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Scality - Six Years OpenStack, What’s Next? Featuring Marc Shuttleworth (Canonical), Steve Muir (Comcast), Jerome Lecat (Scality), and Ashish Nadkarni (IDC)
Wed 27, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
NetApp - I want it now! Or, doing more with less for accelerating application development for Developers.
Wed 27, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
EMC - Accelerated cloud native application development
Wed 27, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
OpenStack Operation Under a Multi-Tenant and Multi-Customer Public Cloud Environment
Wed 27, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Troubleshoot Cloud Networking Like a Pro
Wed 27, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Live Migrating Nova-Networking to Neutron in Icehouse
Wed 27, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Service Function Chaining – Technology Analysis and Perspective
Wed 27, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Multi-tenancy for Docker Containers With Keystone, and Adding Quota Limits
Wed 27, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Building Real-Time Cloud Using OpenStack
Wed 27, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
High-Performance OpenStack for Science and Data Analytics in a Hybrid Cloud Environment
Wed 27, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Among the Cloud: Open Source NFV + SDN deployment
Wed 27, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Oculus for OpenStack Ops (OpenStack Goes 3D)
Wed 27, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
OpenStack at Scale inside NetApp: Trials and Tribulations
Wed 27, 10:00am - 10:15am (3:00pm - 3:15pm UTC)
RBAC with Apache Fortress and IDM Using Midpoint
Wed 27, 10:15am - 10:30am (3:15pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Monitor Openstack Environments from the Network to the Apps
Wed 27, 10:15am - 10:30am (3:15pm - 3:30pm UTC)
– Building scalable and secure OpenStack clusters
Wed 27, 10:30am - 10:45am (3:30pm - 3:45pm UTC)
How OpenStack Private Cloud is Getting Guaranteed Performance from its Storage
Wed 27, 10:30am - 10:45am (3:30pm - 3:45pm UTC)
Can Swift be the Backend of the Nova VMs?
Wed 27, 10:35am - 10:55am (3:35pm - 3:55pm UTC)
Datera - OpenStack Cinder delivering Intent-Defined Infrastructure
Wed 27, 10:45am - 11:00am (3:45pm - 4:00pm UTC)
Building on Kubernetes: Bringing Google-Scale Container Orchestration and Management to OpenStack
Wed 27, 10:45am - 11:00am (3:45pm - 4:00pm UTC)
Evgeny Bagdasaryan & Nikolay Fedotov – HA Testing the Networking Environment with ELK Stack
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:15am (4:00pm - 4:15pm UTC)
Optimize Resource Consumption in your OpenStack Cloud
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:15am (4:00pm - 4:15pm UTC)
Leveraging Ceilometer Framework to Drive Control and Insight into Your OpenStack Cloud
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:20am (4:00pm - 4:20pm UTC)
Appformix - The Neighbors Aren't Noisy Anymore
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Ceph and The Future of Storage
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
OpenStack Performance Team: Current Progress and Future Plans
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Glance and SLURM: User-Defined Image Management on HPC Clusters
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Chasing the Rainbow – National Computational Infrastructure’s Pursuit of High-Performance OpenStack Cloud
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Scality - Benefits of Linux Open Networking & Software Defined Storage (SDS) for Cloud Environments
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
NetApp - Skyrocketing Development & Deployment with OpenStack and Docker : The What, Why, and How. "Handling DevOps Challenges During the Lifecycle of an Application"
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
EMC - Resilient, geo-distributed persistence for SWIFT data
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
How to Architect Applications for the Cloud
Wed 27, 11:00am - 12:25pm (4:00pm - 5:25pm UTC)
Diversity Working Group
Wed 27, 11:00am - 12:30pm (4:00pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Join the cloud app training community - help others learn how to make apps for the cloud!
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Using Ceilometer Data for Effective Witch-Hunting
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Ceilometer, Nova and Neutron – Working Together to Provide a Healthy Network for Your Cloud
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Gluon: An Enabler for NFV
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
These Aren't the Logs You're Looking For
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Virtual Routers on Compute Nodes - an (Not So) Irrational Decision?
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Persistent Storage for Containers Using Cinder
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
How to Develop for OpenStack API's
Wed 27, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC) in Production with OpenStack and Kubernetes
Wed 27, 11:00am - 12:30pm (4:00pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Tutorial on Heat Template (Auto-scaling, Software Deployment)
Wed 27, 11:15am - 11:30am (4:15pm - 4:30pm UTC)
Security Vulnerabilities in OpenStack Deployments
Wed 27, 11:25am - 11:45am (4:25pm - 4:45pm UTC)
Hitachi Data Systems Corporation - Hitachi Brings Resilience and Automation to OpenStack
Wed 27, 11:30am - 11:45am (4:30pm - 4:45pm UTC)
Flexible Deployment of Bare Metal Servers and Virtual Machines
Wed 27, 11:45am - 12:00pm (4:45pm - 5:00pm UTC)
Challenges, Opportunities and Lessons Learned from Real Life Clusters in China for Open Source Storage in OpenStack Clouds
Wed 27, 11:45am - 12:00pm (4:45pm - 5:00pm UTC)
Flavors for Your OpenStack Cloud
Wed 27, 11:50am - 12:10pm (4:50pm - 5:10pm UTC)
Wed 27, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Networking For Nested Containers: Magnum, Kuryr, Neutron Integration
Wed 27, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Managing Container Clusters in OpenStack Native Way
Wed 27, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Implementing vCPE with OpenStack and Software Defined Networks
Wed 27, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Bending Ironic for Big Iron
Wed 27, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
NFV Orchestration - Project Landscape
Wed 27, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
NetApp - Jumpstart Your Production OpenStack Deployment with FlexPod
Wed 27, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
EMC - Enterprise Storage Management for Mixed Cloud Environments with CoprHD
Wed 27, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Openstack-based Technologies R & D in Taiwan
Wed 27, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Get Ready for Fernet Tokens
Wed 27, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Case Study: Neutron IPAM APIs and External IPAM Integration
Wed 27, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Debugging OpenStack Failure Scenarios with Ansible and Oslogmerger
Wed 27, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Is That a Cloud in Your Pocket?
Wed 27, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Orchestrating Cross-cloud Applications with Murano
Wed 27, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
NFV for Enterprise - Are We Doing Enough?
Wed 27, 12:00pm - 12:15pm (5:00pm - 5:15pm UTC)
The Road to Hybrid Cloud with OpenStack
Wed 27, 12:00pm - 12:15pm (5:00pm - 5:15pm UTC)
Native File Access for OpenStack Swift
Wed 27, 12:00pm - 12:40pm (5:00pm - 5:40pm UTC)
Scality - Unified Storage for OpenStack: One Platform to Rule them All
Wed 27, 12:15pm - 12:30pm (5:15pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Data-Driven Multi-Clouds Deployments with Ansible
Wed 27, 12:15pm - 12:35pm (5:15pm - 5:35pm UTC)
Talligent - OpenStack Cost and Capacity Management Best Practices
Wed 27, 12:30pm - 12:45pm (5:30pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Juniper Container SRX Intro and Use Case
Wed 27, 12:30pm - 12:45pm (5:30pm - 5:45pm UTC)
How to Succeed with On-Prem Private Clouds
Wed 27, 12:30pm - 1:50pm (5:30pm - 6:50pm UTC)
Git and Gerrit Lunch and Learn, Organized by The Women of OpenStack
Wed 27, 12:40pm - 1:00pm (5:40pm - 6:00pm UTC)
Swiftstack - Swiftstack: Swift is not Just for OpenStack, But for Many Environments & Apps
Wed 27, 12:45pm - 1:00pm (5:45pm - 6:00pm UTC)
Delivering a Cost-Effective, High Performance Ceph Cluster with Today’s NVM Express Solid State Drives and Tomorrow’s Intel® Optane™ Technology
Wed 27, 12:45pm - 1:00pm (5:45pm - 6:00pm UTC)
Horror Stories: How We Keep Breaking the Scheduler at Scale!
Wed 27, 1:00pm - 1:15pm (6:00pm - 6:15pm UTC)
OpenStack in Production Environments – Lessons Learned
Wed 27, 1:00pm - 1:15pm (6:00pm - 6:15pm UTC)
Prepping for the OpenStack Administrator Exam
Wed 27, 1:05pm - 1:25pm (6:05pm - 6:25pm UTC)
Plumgrid - See Your OpenStack Network Like Never Before with Real-time Visibility and Monitoring
Wed 27, 1:15pm - 1:25pm (6:15pm - 6:25pm UTC)
Next Generation Data Center
Wed 27, 1:30pm - 1:45pm (6:30pm - 6:45pm UTC)
Behind the Cloud: Developing a Nationwide User Support Service
Wed 27, 1:30pm - 1:45pm (6:30pm - 6:45pm UTC)
Cisco Using Cloud Storage to Support the Cloud
Wed 27, 1:30pm - 1:50pm (6:30pm - 6:50pm UTC)
Midokura - MEM Insights: Analytics in the OpenStack Networking
Wed 27, 1:45pm - 2:00pm (6:45pm - 7:00pm UTC)
Network Analytics, a Catalyst for NFV & SDN Transformation
Wed 27, 1:45pm - 2:00pm (6:45pm - 7:00pm UTC)
Unique Value Propositions of Various Network Overlay
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 2:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Neutron with OVN BoF
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 2:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Valet: Holistic Data Center Optimization for OpenStack
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 2:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Is OpenStack Ready for App Developers? The Journey of Application Developers in Public Clouds
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 2:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Achieving Five-Nine of VNF Reliability in Telco-Grade OpenStack Cloud
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 2:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Large Deployment Team Working group
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 2:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Fireside Chat: Mark Collier & Jim Curry
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 2:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Nokia - Combining Neutron, DPDK, Ironic and SRIOV for seamless high-performance networking
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 2:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
EMC - Developing A BackUp & Recovery Solution for Tenancy
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 2:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Tired of Iptables Based Security Groups? Here's How to Gain Tremendous Speed with Open vSwitch Instead!
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 2:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Leverage the Advantage of Multiple Storage Backends in Glance
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 2:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Kubernetes Automation on OpenStack Using Ansible
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 2:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Breaking Bad... Configurations - How to Explode OpenStack with 3 Servers and Will Power
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 2:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Live Migration, Mitaka and Beyond
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 2:30pm (6:50pm - 7:30pm UTC)
OpenStack + Open Compute Project == Best of Breed Clouds
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 3:20pm (6:50pm - 8:20pm UTC)
User Committee WG
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 3:20pm (6:50pm - 8:20pm UTC)
How to: Setup Active-Active Cloud Regions
Wed 27, 1:50pm - 3:20pm (6:50pm - 8:20pm UTC)
OpenStack Ceilometer with Gnocchi and Aodh Feature
Wed 27, 1:55pm - 2:15pm (6:55pm - 7:15pm UTC)
NGINX - Safely and Reliably Scale Out Your Apps with NGINX Plus
Wed 27, 2:00pm - 2:15pm (7:00pm - 7:15pm UTC)
Ceph(alopods) for Multiple Clouds
Wed 27, 2:00pm - 2:15pm (7:00pm - 7:15pm UTC)
Lessons Learned from OpenStack Deployments – From Legacy Architectures to Automated, Multi-Tenant Private Cloud
Wed 27, 2:00pm - 4:00pm (7:00pm - 9:00pm UTC)
Solinea Training: OpenStack Monitoring and Compliance
Wed 27, 2:15pm - 2:30pm (7:15pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Tenant-Based Encryption of Data at Rest
Wed 27, 2:15pm - 2:30pm (7:15pm - 7:30pm UTC)
10 Mins to Faking Your Way as a DevOps Unicorn
Wed 27, 2:20pm - 2:40pm (7:20pm - 7:40pm UTC)
Cloudify by Gigaspaces - Orchestrating Kubernetes on OpenStack, AWS and Azure
Wed 27, 2:30pm - 2:45pm (7:30pm - 7:45pm UTC)
The practice of baremetal management in Chinac’s cloud solutions
Wed 27, 2:30pm - 2:45pm (7:30pm - 7:45pm UTC)
Achieving Guaranteed Performance with Advanced Quality of Service in OpenStack
Wed 27, 2:40pm - 3:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Operators experience and perspective on SDN with VLANs and L3 Networks
Wed 27, 2:40pm - 3:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
High Level Specifications and Formal Methods
Wed 27, 2:40pm - 3:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Automating the Deployment of a Secure, Multi-User HIPAA Enabled Spark Cluster Using Sahara
Wed 27, 2:40pm - 3:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Horror Stories : How we keep breaking the Scheduler at Scale!
Wed 27, 2:40pm - 3:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Skydive, Real-Time Network Topology and Protocol Analyzer
Wed 27, 2:40pm - 3:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Nokia - On the Path to Telco Cloud Openness: Nokia CloudBand Vitrage & OPNFV Doctor Collaboration
Wed 27, 2:40pm - 3:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
EMC - Accelerating OpenStack deployments with modern all-flash scale-out storage
Wed 27, 2:40pm - 3:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Tenant Networks vs. Provider Networks in the Private Cloud Context
Wed 27, 2:40pm - 3:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Building a Flexible OpenStack Cloud from the Ground Up
Wed 27, 2:40pm - 3:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Cloud Infrastructure to Help Researchers Build 21st Century Microscopes
Wed 27, 2:40pm - 3:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
To Persist, or not to Persist (Container Data), that is the Question
Wed 27, 2:40pm - 3:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Open Infrastructure Means ANY Infrastructure - Hybrid DevOps on and Beyond OpenStack [With Demo]
Wed 27, 2:40pm - 3:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Doubling Performance in Swift with No Code Changes
Wed 27, 2:40pm - 3:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Achieving DevOps for NFV Continuous Delivery on Openstack - Verizon Case Study
Wed 27, 2:40pm - 3:20pm (7:40pm - 8:20pm UTC)
Build It Yourself: How a Small Team Deployed OpenStack
Wed 27, 2:45pm - 3:00pm (7:45pm - 8:00pm UTC)
UCS Integrated Infrastructure for Hadoop as a Service with Red Hat OpenStack Platform
Wed 27, 2:45pm - 3:00pm (7:45pm - 8:00pm UTC)
Multi-Cloud, Full-Stack Autoscaling with Murano, Kubernetes, and Docker: From OpenStack to Google Compute Engine (And Back)
Wed 27, 2:45pm - 3:05pm (7:45pm - 8:05pm UTC)
Trillio Data - TrilioVault: Protect, Recover, Migrate, Survive...and Thrive!
Wed 27, 3:10pm - 3:30pm (8:10pm - 8:30pm UTC)
ZeroStack Inc. - Zero Touch Private Clouds with ZeroStack
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 3:45pm (8:30pm - 8:45pm UTC)
Overcoming Challenges in Promoting OpenStack Within Your Organization
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 3:45pm (8:30pm - 8:45pm UTC)
It’s Not How Big Your Budget is, it’s How You Spend It
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
Deploying OpenStack in OPNFV's Brahmaputra Release
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
How Service Optimization Keeps ViaSat Flying
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
Designing for NFV: Lessons Learned from Deploying at Verizon
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
OpenStack Strategy - How to Achieve our Mission
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
Nokia - Nokia SDN & NFV: Bringing Dynamic Service Chaining to the Telco Cloud with Nuage Networks & CloudBand
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
EMC - Digital Transformation - A Blueprint for Survival
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
Application Hackathon Working Group
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
Chameleon: An experimental Testbed for Computer Science as Application of Cloud Computing
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
Load Balancing as a Service, Mitaka and Beyond
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
Monitor and Improve Web Performance with HAProxy
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
A Little of What You Fancy: Multi-Hypervisor Cloud Deployment with Hyper-V, KVM and LXD
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
Upstream CI/CD Tools for Your Production Clouds That Can Operate 1,000+ Test Cycles in a Day.
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
Building Efficient HPC Clouds with MVAPICH2 and OpenStack over SR-IOV Enabled Infiniband Clusters
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
A Close Look at the Behaviors of the Multi-Region Swift Clusters
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
Real World Troubleshooting Tips for OpenStack Operations
Wed 27, 3:30pm - 4:10pm (8:30pm - 9:10pm UTC)
Dive into The Migration of Stateful Application to DCOS Platform - the Practice in China Mobile
Wed 27, 3:35pm - 3:55pm (8:35pm - 8:55pm UTC)
SanDisk - The Consequences of Infinite Storage Bandwidth
Wed 27, 3:45pm - 4:00pm (8:45pm - 9:00pm UTC)
Storage is Not Virtualized Enough: Let’s Do Service Chaining
Wed 27, 3:45pm - 4:00pm (8:45pm - 9:00pm UTC)
Osbash by Training-Labs: Features and Deployment
Wed 27, 4:00pm - 4:15pm (9:00pm - 9:15pm UTC)
Freeze It Before You Start: Application Level Consistency Snapshot and Disaster Recovery
Wed 27, 4:00pm - 4:15pm (9:00pm - 9:15pm UTC)
Security Vulnerabilities in OpenStack deployments
Wed 27, 4:00pm - 4:20pm (9:00pm - 9:20pm UTC)
Storage Made Easy
Wed 27, 4:05pm - 6:00pm (9:05pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Solinea Training: OpenStack Monitoring and Compliance
Wed 27, 4:15pm - 4:30pm (9:15pm - 9:30pm UTC)
Introduction Project ARIA – Open Source & Governance TOSCA Orchestration Engine
Wed 27, 4:15pm - 4:30pm (9:15pm - 9:30pm UTC)
Deep Dive Into VM Live Migration in DAS Environment.
Wed 27, 4:25pm - 4:45pm (9:25pm - 9:45pm UTC)
HyperHQ - Hyper_: Deploy containers in seconds to cloud
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 4:45pm (9:30pm - 9:45pm UTC)
Performance Improvement Tips for SWIFT on Sequential Access Filesystems
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 5:10pm (9:30pm - 10:10pm UTC)
From Developer to Manager to Evangelist: Contributions Beyond Python Code
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 5:10pm (9:30pm - 10:10pm UTC)
Product Work Group
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 5:10pm (9:30pm - 10:10pm UTC)
Analyze This! Analyst Relations Working Group Summit Debrief
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 6:00pm (9:30pm - 11:00pm UTC)
App Ecosystem Working Group - Working Session
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 5:10pm (9:30pm - 10:10pm UTC)
Protecting the Galaxy - Multi-Region Disaster Recovery with OpenStack and Ceph
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 5:10pm (9:30pm - 10:10pm UTC)
OpenStack and Opendaylight: The Current Status and Future Direction
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 5:10pm (9:30pm - 10:10pm UTC)
Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires - A Proactive Approach to Monitoring Your OpenStack Cloud
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 5:10pm (9:30pm - 10:10pm UTC)
Security Concerns? We’ve Got Your Back and RBAC
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 5:10pm (9:30pm - 10:10pm UTC)
Neutron Networking in the Real World -- Sharing Experiences & Lessons Learnt
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 5:10pm (9:30pm - 10:10pm UTC)
OpenStack + OPNFV: A Collaboration
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 5:10pm (9:30pm - 10:10pm UTC)
OpenStack for High-Performance Bioinformatics
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 5:10pm (9:30pm - 10:10pm UTC)
Private Swift Endpoint
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 5:10pm (9:30pm - 10:10pm UTC)
Architecture and Best Practices to Deploy Hadoop and Spark Clusters with Sahara
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 5:10pm (9:30pm - 10:10pm UTC)
Your CI/CD Infrastructure is a Monolith Too
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 5:10pm (9:30pm - 10:10pm UTC)
You Must Be 12 Factors High to Ride
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 6:00pm (9:30pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Best Practice for Deploying Application with Heat in Production by Deployment Modules and Patterns
Wed 27, 4:30pm - 6:00pm (9:30pm - 11:00pm UTC)
OpenStack Astara: A Hands-on Installation & Tutorial Workshop
Wed 27, 4:50pm - 5:10pm (9:50pm - 10:10pm UTC)
OpenIO - OpenIO Object Storage Made Easy
Wed 27, 5:15pm - 5:35pm (10:15pm - 10:35pm UTC)
Pristine Machine - Intrinsically secure enterprise clouds
Wed 27, 5:20pm - 6:00pm (10:20pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Dragonflow - Neutron Done the SDN Way
Wed 27, 5:20pm - 6:00pm (10:20pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Build Your Own Web Portal with OpenStack APIs and Services
Wed 27, 5:20pm - 6:00pm (10:20pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Deploying Lots of Teeny Tiny Telco Clouds
Wed 27, 5:20pm - 6:00pm (10:20pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Shared Filesystems Management (Manila); Forging the Way Ahead
Wed 27, 5:20pm - 6:00pm (10:20pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Ironic: Managing Thousands of Servers in Production
Wed 27, 5:20pm - 6:00pm (10:20pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Docker 101: Introduction to Docker
Wed 27, 5:20pm - 6:00pm (10:20pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Python Basics for Operators Troubleshooting OpenStack
Wed 27, 5:20pm - 6:00pm (10:20pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Open Source NFV: Lessons Learned from End Users
Wed 27, 5:40pm - 6:00pm (10:40pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Bright Computing - High Performance Computing (HPC) and Big Data on demand with Cluster-as-a-Service (CaaS)
Thu 28, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Why Betfair Chose OpenStack - the Road to Their Production Private Cloud.
Thu 28, 9:00am - 10:30am (2:00pm - 3:30pm UTC)
User Survey Working Group
Thu 28, 9:00am - 6:00pm (2:00pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Red Hat One-Day Training: Red Hat OpenStack Platform Director
Thu 28, 9:00am - 6:00pm (2:00pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Rackspace One-Day Training: OpenStack Unpacked - AT MAX CAPACITY
Thu 28, 9:00am - 6:00pm (2:00pm - 11:00pm UTC)
SUSE Two-Day Training: OpenStack Administration - Prepare for the Certified OpenStack Administrator Exam (DAY 2 of 2) - AT MAX CAPACITY
Thu 28, 9:00am - 6:00pm (2:00pm - 11:00pm UTC)
Mirantis Two-Day Training: OpenStack Fuel Administration (FUEL100) (Day 2 of 2) - AT MAX CAPACITY
Thu 28, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Win The Future: OpenStack Deployment Practice among College Students for Innovation Contest
Thu 28, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Orchestrated Containerization with OpenStack
Thu 28, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
The Notorious M.T.U.
Thu 28, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Application CI/CD on OpenStack - Building a Solution Using Jenkins and OpenStack Solum
Thu 28, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
OPEN O(Orchestration): Integration of NFVO and SDNO Deploy End to End Network Service.
Thu 28, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Cloud Platform for IoT: Designing and Evaluating Large-Scale Data Collecting and Storing Platform
Thu 28, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Neutron Address Scopes
Thu 28, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Managing OpenStack in a Cloud-native Way
Thu 28, 9:00am - 9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Swift Middlewares - What Are They?
Thu 28, 9:00am - 10:30am (2:00pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Deploy Microservices Architecture on OpenStack using Kubernetes, Docker, Flannel and etcd
Thu 28, 9:00am - 10:30am (2:00pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Configure, Deploy and Troubleshoot Distributed Virtual Routers with DVR SNAT HA in a Multi-Node Environment
Thu 28, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Deploying Neutron Provider Networking on Top of a L3 Provider Network Using BGP-EVPN
Thu 28, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Which is the Best Way to Deploy Your Application on OpenStack?
Thu 28, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Tacker - Building an Open Platform for NFV Orchestration
Thu 28, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Mapping Real Networks to Physical Networks, Segments, and Logical Networks in Neutron
Thu 28, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Optimising NFV Service Chains on OpenStack Using Docker
Thu 28, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Extending DVR to Route Intra-Tenant Traffic Between Bare Metal Servers and Virtual Compute Instances
Thu 28, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Configure, Debug and Install OpenStack Trove
Thu 28, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Quantifying the Noisy Neighbor Problem in Openstack
Thu 28, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
The Open Container Initiative, the OpenStack Magnum & Kuryr Projects, the CNCF, and You!
Thu 28, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Developer Marketing and Relations: Convincing The 'Kingmakers' to Give a Crap About You
Thu 28, 9:50am - 10:30am (2:50pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Monitoring Swift ++ (incl Nagios, Elasticsearch, Zabbix, & more)
Thu 28, 9:50am - 11:40am (2:50pm - 4:40pm UTC)
DefCore Interop Working Group
Thu 28, 10:00am - 10:15am (3:00pm - 3:15pm UTC)
Why OpenStack is Viewed as Unreliable
Thu 28, 10:15am - 10:30am (3:15pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Using OpenDaylight as an SDN Controller for OpenStack
Thu 28, 10:30am - 10:45am (3:30pm - 3:45pm UTC)
Spanning Your Overlay Network Across Clouds
Thu 28, 10:35am - 10:55am (3:35pm - 3:55pm UTC)
Gigamon - Multi-Tenant Traffic Visibility for OpenStack Clouds
Thu 28, 10:45am - 11:00am (3:45pm - 4:00pm UTC)
How to Double OpenStack I/O Performance at Lower Cost
Thu 28, 11:00am - 11:15am (4:00pm - 4:15pm UTC)
Smaug (ADPaaS) DR Your Multi-tier Cloud Application Made Easy
Thu 28, 11:00am - 11:20am (4:00pm - 4:20pm UTC)
Codership - Galera Cluster provisioning and management with Trove
Thu 28, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Using a Service VM as an IPv6 vRouter
Thu 28, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Big Data Rapid Prototyping by Using Magnum with Cinder and Manila
Thu 28, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
The Cloud Infrastructure for Microbial Bioinformatics; Breaking Biological Silos Using OpenStack
Thu 28, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Enforcing Application SLAs with Congress and Monasca
Thu 28, 11:00am - 12:30pm (4:00pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Marketing Community Meeting
Thu 28, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Cephfs in Jewel: Stable at Last
Thu 28, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Building a Cloud for VNFs & IOT
Thu 28, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
SNAT High Availability Service in Neutron for Distributed Virtual Routers
Thu 28, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Magnum or Murano? OpenStack Options for Container Environment Creation and Management
Thu 28, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Inner Sourcing Expedition - Wipro's Story
Thu 28, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
A Deep Dive into Project Astara
Thu 28, 11:00am - 11:40am (4:00pm - 4:40pm UTC)
Optimizing Software-Defined Storage for OpenStack
Thu 28, 11:00am - 12:30pm (4:00pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Writing an AngularJS Plugin for Horizon
Thu 28, 11:00am - 12:30pm (4:00pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Intro to OpenStack Magnum with Kubernetes
Thu 28, 11:15am - 11:30am (4:15pm - 4:30pm UTC)
Network Slice Orchestration for 5G Networks
Thu 28, 11:25am - 11:45am (4:25pm - 4:45pm UTC)
Wanclouds - CHAI - Looking for Needle in a Haystack
Thu 28, 11:45am - 12:00pm (4:45pm - 5:00pm UTC)
Cloud Messaging State of the Union
Thu 28, 11:50am - 12:10pm (4:50pm - 5:10pm UTC)
Attivo Networks - Who is lurking in your (open) stack?
Thu 28, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Congress in NFV-based Mobile Cellular Network Fault Recovery
Thu 28, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Monitoring a Multi-Region Cloud Based on OpenStack: The FIWARE Lab Case Study
Thu 28, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Multisite OpenStack for NFV: Bridging the Gap
Thu 28, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Big Data BBQ: Dining at The OpenStack Buffet to Create Cloud Applications
Thu 28, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Multi-unit OpenStack Cloud Deployment Using LXD Containers On Your Laptop
Thu 28, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Realize SFC Using ONOS Controller
Thu 28, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Rocket Fuel for Networks: SDN Solutions with OpenStack Fuel
Thu 28, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
MidoNet Scalability Testing with Neutron and Open Source Tools
Thu 28, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Gender-Diversity Analysis of Technical Contributions in The OpenStack Projects
Thu 28, 11:50am - 12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Swift 102: Beyond CRUD - More Real Demos
Thu 28, 12:00pm - 12:10pm (5:00pm - 5:10pm UTC)
Replaying Nova Placements for Fun and Profit
Thu 28, 12:15pm - 12:30pm (5:15pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Bringing Cloud Identity to Platform9 OpenStack
Thu 28, 12:15pm - 12:35pm (5:15pm - 5:35pm UTC)
Chinac - Engineering Practice of OpenStack in Cloud Service
Thu 28, 12:30pm - 12:45pm (5:30pm - 5:45pm UTC)
Playing with the Slinky – Dynamic Capacity Planning in Elastic Clouds
Thu 28, 12:40pm - 1:00pm (5:40pm - 6:00pm UTC)
OW2 - AppHub, the new OpenStack friendly open-source marketplace, vendor-neutral and quality oriented
Thu 28, 12:45pm - 1:00pm (5:45pm - 6:00pm UTC)
Deployment and Operational Best Practices of Openstack on Cisco UCS Servers
Thu 28, 1:00pm - 1:15pm (6:00pm - 6:15pm UTC)
How to Optimize OpenStack
Thu 28, 1:30pm - 1:45pm (6:30pm - 6:45pm UTC)
Installing OpenStack on a Single Click
Thu 28, 1:30pm - 2:10pm (6:30pm - 7:10pm UTC)
Enhanced Platform Aware Deployment of VNFs
Thu 28, 1:30pm - 2:10pm (6:30pm - 7:10pm UTC)
Turn up the Heat with LBaaS v2
Thu 28, 1:30pm - 2:10pm (6:30pm - 7:10pm UTC)
How Burton Snowboards Is Carving Down the OpenStack Trail
Thu 28, 1:30pm - 2:10pm (6:30pm - 7:10pm UTC)
Installing, Configuring, and Managing a 300+ OpenStack Node Network In Under An Hour
Thu 28, 1:30pm - 3:00pm (6:30pm - 8:00pm UTC)
I18n Workshop: Translation Processes and Tools
Thu 28, 1:30pm - 2:10pm (6:30pm - 7:10pm UTC)
Fostering Full Equality, Organized by the Women of OpenStack
Thu 28, 1:30pm - 2:10pm (6:30pm - 7:10pm UTC)
Speeding up Developer Productivity with OpenStack and Open Source Tools
Thu 28, 1:30pm - 2:10pm (6:30pm - 7:10pm UTC)
Neutron Quality of Service, New Features And Future Roadmap.
Thu 28, 1:30pm - 2:10pm (6:30pm - 7:10pm UTC)
Policy Canvas: Draw Your Policies for OpenStack Services
Thu 28, 1:30pm - 2:10pm (6:30pm - 7:10pm UTC)
Integration of Neutron, Nova and Designate: How to Use It and How to Configure It
Thu 28, 1:30pm - 2:10pm (6:30pm - 7:10pm UTC)
Write a File, Read as an Object
Thu 28, 1:30pm - 3:00pm (6:30pm - 8:00pm UTC)
Install and Configure OpenStack Octavia
Thu 28, 1:30pm - 3:00pm (6:30pm - 8:00pm UTC)
Deploying Application Infrastructure on OpenStack
Thu 28, 1:45pm - 2:00pm (6:45pm - 7:00pm UTC)
Using A Single Software-Defined Storage Platform for a Multi-Datacenter, Multi-Protocol OpenStack Cloud
Thu 28, 2:00pm - 2:15pm (7:00pm - 7:15pm UTC)
Seamless Deployment into OpenStack with the AppHub Factory
Thu 28, 2:15pm - 2:30pm (7:15pm - 7:30pm UTC)
Predictive Auto-Scaling for Web Applications
Thu 28, 2:20pm - 3:00pm (7:20pm - 8:00pm UTC)
Watcher, a Resource Manager for OpenStack: Plans for the N-release and Beyond
Thu 28, 2:20pm - 3:00pm (7:20pm - 8:00pm UTC)
A PaaS for Continuous Delivery of Cloud Native Apps. (minus Kubernetes and Mesos)
Thu 28, 2:20pm - 3:00pm (7:20pm - 8:00pm UTC)
Networking-Calico, a Routing-Based Implementation of IP-Only Connectivity Between VMs - What, Why, How and the Future
Thu 28, 2:20pm - 3:00pm (7:20pm - 8:00pm UTC)
Newcomers Need You, How to Be A Good Mentor
Thu 28, 2:20pm - 3:00pm (7:20pm - 8:00pm UTC)
Do Containers Become First Class Citizens in the Data Center? - Moderated by Cliff Grossner, Ph.D. IHS
Thu 28, 2:20pm - 3:00pm (7:20pm - 8:00pm UTC)
Striving for a High-Performance NFV Grid on OpenStack. Why You, and Every OpenStack Community Member Should Be Excited About It.
Thu 28, 2:20pm - 3:00pm (7:20pm - 8:00pm UTC)
Tanks in The Clouds
Thu 28, 2:20pm - 3:00pm (7:20pm - 8:00pm UTC)
A Pioneer's Vision of Networking
Thu 28, 2:20pm - 3:00pm (7:20pm - 8:00pm UTC)
FILE This: Swift API, Then S3 API, And Now POSIX Access to OpenStack Swift
Thu 28, 2:20pm - 3:00pm (7:20pm - 8:00pm UTC)
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About OpenStack at Scale
Thu 28, 2:45pm - 3:00pm (7:45pm - 8:00pm UTC)
Developing Java Microservices for OpenStack
Thu 28, 3:00pm - 3:30pm (8:00pm - 8:30pm UTC)
How to Dismantle a Cloud to Use OpenStack
Thu 28, 3:10pm - 3:50pm (8:10pm - 8:50pm UTC)
DPDK, Collectd & Ceilometer: The Missing Link Between My Telco Cloud and The NFV Infrastructure
Thu 28, 3:10pm - 3:50pm (8:10pm - 8:50pm UTC)
OpenStack and the IoT: Where We Stand, Where We're Going, What We Need to Get There
Thu 28, 3:10pm - 4:50pm (8:10pm - 9:50pm UTC)
Ambassadors WG
Thu 28, 3:10pm - 3:50pm (8:10pm - 8:50pm UTC)
Embracing OpenStack - The Verizon User Story Journey
Thu 28, 3:10pm - 3:50pm (8:10pm - 8:50pm UTC)
Infrastructure as Code in OpenStack with Ansible - Advanced Neutron Use Cases
Thu 28, 3:10pm - 3:50pm (8:10pm - 8:50pm UTC)
Dive into Nova Scheduler Performance - Where Is the Bottleneck?
Thu 28, 3:10pm - 3:50pm (8:10pm - 8:50pm UTC)
Achieve Low Latency NFV with Openstack
Thu 28, 3:10pm - 3:50pm (8:10pm - 8:50pm UTC)
Build It and They Will Come (Easier Said Than Done!)
Thu 28, 3:10pm - 3:50pm (8:10pm - 8:50pm UTC)
Open Source Networking Development: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Thu 28, 3:10pm - 3:50pm (8:10pm - 8:50pm UTC)
Practical OVN: Architecture, Deployment, and Scale of OpenStack Networking
Thu 28, 3:10pm - 3:50pm (8:10pm - 8:50pm UTC)
Rolling Your Own Kubernetes Clusters on OpenStack with Ansible and Terraform
Thu 28, 3:10pm - 3:50pm (8:10pm - 8:50pm UTC)
Understanding ML2 Port Binding
Thu 28, 3:30pm - 3:45pm (8:30pm - 8:45pm UTC)
Architecting High-Performance Storage for Massively Scalable OpenStack Private Clouds
Thu 28, 3:45pm - 4:00pm (8:45pm - 9:00pm UTC)
What is VMware Doing with OpenStack?
Thu 28, 4:10pm - 4:50pm (9:10pm - 9:50pm UTC)
Developing Cloud Apps: HOT, TOSCA and MuranoPL
Thu 28, 4:10pm - 4:50pm (9:10pm - 9:50pm UTC)
You Can Build Your OpenStack and Consume it Too
Thu 28, 4:10pm - 4:50pm (9:10pm - 9:50pm UTC)
Tap-As-A-Service: What You Need to Know Now
Thu 28, 4:10pm - 5:40pm (9:10pm - 10:40pm UTC)
Hands-On: Orchestrating Docker Containers with Heat
Thu 28, 4:10pm - 4:50pm (9:10pm - 9:50pm UTC)
Headless NFVi for PoP, CO or MSC/MSO
Thu 28, 4:10pm - 4:50pm (9:10pm - 9:50pm UTC)
Dynamic Routing of Networks in the Cloud
Thu 28, 4:10pm - 5:40pm (9:10pm - 10:40pm UTC)
Developing, Deploying, and Consuming L4-7 Network Services in an OpenStack Cloud
Thu 28, 4:15pm - 4:30pm (9:15pm - 9:30pm UTC)
Turning Engineers into Upstream Community Superstars
Thu 28, 5:00pm - 5:40pm (10:00pm - 10:40pm UTC)
Is OPNFV Just an OpenStack Extension?
Thu 28, 5:00pm - 5:40pm (10:00pm - 10:40pm UTC)
Deep Dive into Elastic Load Balancing Using Octavia
Thu 28, 5:00pm - 5:40pm (10:00pm - 10:40pm UTC)
App Development in a Dockerized Universe
Thu 28, 5:00pm - 5:40pm (10:00pm - 10:40pm UTC)
Containerizing Network Services
Fri 29, 9:00am - 10:30am (2:00pm - 3:30pm UTC)
Enterprise Working Group - Working Session
Fri 29, 10:50am - 2:50pm (3:50pm - 7:50pm UTC)
Product Working Group - Working Session
Speaker Matches
Senior Upstream Developer Advocate
Lead Cloud Architect - Lenovo Cloud Technology Center
Lambda, Sr Software Engineer