April 25-29, 2016

Speaker Details

Matt Rutkowski

Matt Rutkowski, STSM Cloud Open Tech. and Master Inventor at IBM, has worked to develop open infrastructure and industry standards and open source for over 15 years in areas such as Government, Banking and Digital Media and Entertainment. Most recently, he has been working on Cloud and software security standards. He was lead editor for the OASIS IDCloud TC, founder and Co-Chair of the DMTF Cloud Auditing Work Group and also is Co-Chair of the OASIS TOSCA Interop Subcommittee and a Technical Committee contributor/editor.  Currently, he is working to drive customer orchestration of TOSCA application services on OpenStack using the Heat orchestration service by contributing and driving efforts in Heat-Translator.  Most importantly, Matt is working with telco and cable providers through ETSI to help them adopt TOSCA for Network Function Virtualization (NFV) management and realize this in open source in the Tacker NFV Manager service in OpenStack.


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