April 25-29, 2016

Speaker Details

Chris Liljenstolpe
Director Solutions Architecture, Metaswitch & Evan

Christopher, who is a Director of Solutions Architecture at Metaswitch Networks , is also the original architect of Project Calico. Christopher previously served as solutions architect for Big Switch Networks where he played a key role realizing some of the industry’s earliest SDN deployments. Prior to Big Switch, he was the director of architecture, networks and services at Telstra. His past roles have also included Chief Architect, Cable & Wireless, CTO for the IP Division, APAC for Alcatel-Lucent, and L3 architect for Woven Systems. Christopher has acted as co-chair of the Operations Area Working Group in the IETF and has spoken widely on IP, MPLS, SDN, and network operational issues in various standards bodies and conferences.


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