April 25-29, 2016

Speaker Details

Cliff Grossner Ph.D.
Research Director Data Center, Cloud, and SDN, IHS

Dr. Cliff Grossner is a Research Director within the IHS Technology group. He joined IHS in December 2014, when IHS acquired Infonetics Research—a premier global communications technology market research firm. He has more than 25 years of telecommunications industry experience. As a directing analyst at Infonetics, he led the firm's data center, cloud and SDN research coverage. His specialties include Ethernet switching, WAN optimization and application delivery control (ADC) equipment; fibre channel switching, and converged data center networking; off-premises cloud services, infrastructure as a service (IaaS), cloud as a service (CaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS); and software-defined networking including SDN-capable physical and virtual switching, bare metal switching, SDN controllers and orchestration software, and SDN-capable applications. A recognized though leader, he is frequently quoted in Light Reading, FierceTelecom, eWeek, Network Computing and Lightwave Online. Prior to Infonetics, Dr. Grossner headed strategic marketing for Alcatel-Lucent's enterprise network business unit. He also held a range of senior positions at Bell Labs, Sesame Networks, NewStep Networks and Nortel. He earned his Doctor of Philosophy at McGill University, and his Master of Science in Computer Science at Concordia University, both in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He holds multiple patents in computer networking, networking embedded security and telecommunications applications.


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