April 25-29, 2016

Speaker Details

Hugh Blemings
Senior Product Manager, Rackspace Private Cloud

Hugh is a long time contributor to Free and Open Source software and hardware having started his journey in this space in the late '90s with Slackware on an old PC and never looked back.  He has written Linux kernel drivers, standalone FOSS projects, developed and written about Open Hardware at small scale (Arduino - and large scale (the Open Compute Project)

He's worked with and/or led some of the best Open Source development teams in the world and is pleased to serve the Australian Linux/FOSS community in his capacity as President of Linux Australia ( )

Hugh has presented at various Free Software related conferences including, Ottawa Linux Symposium, Embedded Linux Conference - US & Europe, Open Compute Summit and co-presented at previous OpenStack Summits.

Nowadays Hugh is a Senior Product Manager at Rackspace in the Private Cloud group.  In this capacity he works closely with the OpenStack developer community, the OpenStack Product Working Group, his colleagues at Rackspace and RPC's customers to shape RPC product offerings to be a best of breed OpenStack Private Cloud offering.

Amongst all this he writes a widely read weekly summary of the openstack-dev mailing list, still tinkers with OpenHardware and also finds time to play in a couple of rock bands in his home town of Canberra, Australia.


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