April 25-29, 2016

Speaker Details

Carmelo Ragusa

Dr Carmelo Ragusa is a Senior Systems Engineer at SAP Lab in Belfast, UK. He holds a Laurea in Computing Engineering from University of Catania, Italy. He received his PhD in communication systems from University of Surrey in 2005 and has since then been involved mostly in European research projects.
While at IT Innovation centre, Southampton (UK) he contributed to the NextGrid project, where he developed business models simulations for Grid systems.
He then moved to University of Messina, Italy, where he worked first on P2S2 Grid project, leading a team of 5 people to develop business applications over a Grid infrastructure.
After, he worked in the European project RESERVOIR, where he acted as system integrator, leading a distributed team of 15+ people.
In 2011 he joined SAP where he worked as SAP representative for the BonFIRE project, looking at cloud software testing and leading the development of the COCOMA tool for studying contention and malicious patterns in the cloud. He then worked on the HARNESS project, contributing to the integration and provision of heterogeneus systems and hardware in a Cloud environment through leveraging OpenStack.
He is now currently involved in internal SAP projects regarding the developement and provisioning of Enterprise Cloud systems for internal and external customers. His interests are in systems management, automation, cloud technologies and scalabale infrastructures.


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