April 25-29, 2016

Speaker Details

Francisco-Javier Ramón Salguero
Head of Network Virtualization, Telefonica

Head of Network Virtualisation Initiative and NFV Reference Lab, Telefónica GCTO Unit | TI+D
Chairman of Open Source MANO Community Project | ETSI OSG OSM

Since 2000 Francisco-Javier has worked in Telefónica. Former head of the IP Network Technologies group in Telefónica I+D, since 2008 he is head of the Network Virtualisation Initiative and the NFV Reference Lab in Telefónica GCTO Unit. Additionally, he has been chair of the Performance and Portability Expert Group and the Working Group of Testing, Experimentation and Open Source in ETSI NFV ISG

 In April 2016, he was elected Chairman of Open Source MANO (ETSI OSG OSM) project on Management and Orchestration for NFV.

His expertise areas are network virtualisation, IP network architecture, traffic capture and analysis, QoE modelling, network planning and dimensioning, routing and network performance. He is author of several patents and technical papers in these fields.


Francisco-Javier has achieved a Master Telecommunications Engineer qualification at the Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering of Málaga (Spain), 2000, and a Master's Degree in Economics at UNED (Spain), 2006.
