April 25-29, 2016

Speaker Details

Jay Bryant
Lead Cloud Architect - Lenovo Cloud Technology Center

Jay worked for IBM between 2001 and 2017 on technologies such as Linux virtualization, supercomputing and storage.  Jay started working with OpenStack during the Grizzly release and has been focussed on Cinder since Havana.  As the Cinder Subject Matter Expert for IBM's Cloud Division, Jay served as the liason between the OpenStack Community and IBM's internal storage software development teams.

In January of 2017, Jay took the Cloud Storage Lead position in the Lenovo Cloud Technology Center (LCTC).  In this role he worked with Lenovo's storage offerings to guide their integration into cloud offerings.

As of 2019 Jay has taken the opportunity to be the Lead Cloud Architect for Lenovo.

Jay continues to guide and mentor Lenovo employees helping them to learn how to become upstream contributors.  He will continue to serve as a liaison between the growing group of contributors within Lenovo and the external development community.

Jay has also been a member of Cinder's core reviewer team since the Icehouse release, is a stable maintainer and serves as Cinder's Oslo and Documentation liaison. Jay currently serves as Cinder PTL.


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