Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Effective Code Review

Developers usually state that finding defects is the primary motivation for doing code reviews. However, research has shown that the main benefits of code reviews are; knowledge transfer, team awareness and finding alternative solutions.

Code reviews when done well are more than just finding defects; it should be a discussion and conversation with other developers about finding the best solutions. We will talk about re-framing code review to encourage open discussions.

This talk is for everyone that is already involved in regular code review and those hoping to start. I will talk through the code review process with the aim of making it a better and more useful experience for both the authors and the reviewers.

What can I expect to learn?

Attendees will learn what researchers and other communities can tell us about code review. More importantly, they will learn how to get the most out of code review.

Wednesday, October 26, 5:55pm-6:35pm (3:55pm - 4:35pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Tags: 101 Community
Red Hat, Senior Software Engineer
  Dougal is a Pythonista based in Glasgow, Scotland. He runs the local Python user group and regularly attends and organises community events. In OpenStack he primarilly works on TripleO and Mistral. FULL PROFILE
2 Reviews
Posted: 3059 days ago
"fast but intelligible, nice state of spirit. provided a glimpse into the openstack dev environment"
Posted: 3060 days ago
Lots of tiny details that make code review painless an helpful were covered. Thanks a lot!