Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

OpenStack is an Application! Deploy and Manage Your Stack with Kolla-Kubernetes

OpenStack consists of interrelated software components that control hardware pools of processing, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter that are difficult to install, manage, and upgrade. With Kubernetes, each of the services can be viewed as applications.  Combined, they form a complex application that Kubernetes is capable of managing.

Kubernetes provides high-level abstractions built around the needs of complex production systems like OpenStack. This provides an alternative approach to operations enabling clusters to be more easily operated, managed, and automated. In addition, Kubernetes has native tooling which simplifies otherwise hard problems like HA or upgrades.

In this talk, the kolla-k8s team will demonstrate how Kubernetes solves the "Day 1" problem of deployment as well as "Day 2" operations like configuration, reconfiguration, failure recovery, and upgrades.  We will also demonstrate a production ready, highly available OpenStack based on kolla-k8s.

What can I expect to learn?

Attendees will learn about the benifits of managing OpenStack with Kubernetes through its unique abstraction layer.

Wednesday, October 26, 2:15pm-2:55pm (12:15pm - 12:55pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Technical Leader
Ken is a Technical Leader at Cisco working with cloud infrastructure. Previously, Ken managed the Rackspace Cloud AutoScale product. Before that he worked on monitoring and high-performance stock market data feeds. FULL PROFILE
Intel Corporation
Michal is a senior cloud software engineer at Intel Corporation and one of tech leads of Openstack Innovation Center. Michal is making Openstack better since Grizzly. Michal is a Kolla core reviewer since the Liberty cycle and serves as Kolla PTL for Ocata and Pike releases. FULL PROFILE
Cisco System
Working for Cisco for past 12 years supporting major service provider in Canada. Getting involved with OpenStack about 4 years ago and start operating and developing for OpenStack, specifically for Kolla project. Core reviewer for kolla-kubernetes project. FULL PROFILE