Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

The benefits of E2E Integration Between Open Source Communities Using 3rd Party CI

OPNFV is in the process of setting up 3rd party CI to synchronize the development process between the two communities. This will allow us to faster work on common requirements and patches. OPNFV developers will be able to submit patches to OpenStack and test them in OPNFV environment. OpenStack developers will benefit from the early testing of their patches together with other OPNFV components using OPNFV test frameworks and CI pipeline running against distributed bare metal labs.

We share experience from setting up the 3rd party CI, explain how the CI systems are connected and discuss benefits for developers and users from both communities.

We explain the difference between OPNFV’s 3rd party CI and typical company 3rd party CI. In OPNFV we do two different things: Besides Helping OPNFV projects to access OpenStack patches using the combined CI pipeline we also establish a service to OpenStack by reusing OpenStack Infra utilities to create OPNFV scenarios like HA and bare metal testing.

What can I expect to learn?

The connected CI systems allow us to learn from each other. This session is a beginning of such experience sharing. Attendees will also learn about the usage of the two CI systems and how to make use of the benefits by the connected CI.

Thursday, October 27, 11:50am-12:30pm (9:50am - 10:30am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Advanced
Ulrich Kleber is a Chief Architect Cloud Platform in Huawei’s European Research Center. During his 35 years of work experience he gained extensive experience as system architect in all areas of telecommunication systems developing technology, architectures and strategies according to customer requirements and business goals. He contributes to open standards and open source development,... FULL PROFILE
Principal Developer
Fatih Degirmenci is a Principal Developer at Ericsson Software Technology. He is specialized in automation, CI/CD, DevOps, and Infrastructure and currently involved in several large scale CI/CD activities across Ericsson and within open source. He served in OPNFV Technical Steering Committee as committer at large representative and ledOPNFV Release Engineering Project. Before moving to his... FULL PROFILE
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