Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Solving Distributed NFV Puzzle with OpenStack and SDN

Many NFV use cases call for deployment of service elements at the provider network edge.  5G nodes, PGW, CPE, caches, all need to be placed near the end user to ensure efficient and cost-effective performance of the corresponding services.  With NFV, elements previously implemented as proprietary hardware appliances, can be virtualized, deployed on COTS servers and centrally managed.  In this presentation we'd like to share an approach to deploying distributed OpenStack-based NFV in a carrier network with an ultra-light edge composed of optimized Nova Compute Nodes and a centralized control plane placed in a provider DC with integrated SDN solution.  We'll discuss different deployment options, their advantages and disadvantages as well as present the learnings derived from a PoC deployment with a demo of the resulting solution.  In addition to addressing architectural challenges inherent to the distributed deployment model, we'll explore performance and distance related implications.

What can I expect to learn?

We'd like to share with the audience our learnings derived from an implementation of a distributed approach to OpenStack-based NFV deployment and the effect of physical distance and remote management on the performance of edge-intensive provider services.

Thursday, October 27, 2:40pm-3:20pm (12:40pm - 1:20pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Advanced
Red Hat Inc.
Rimma Iontel is a Chief Architect in Red Hat's Telecommunications, Entertainment and Media (TME) Technology, Strategy and Execution office.  She is responsible for supporting Red Hat’s global ecosystem of customers and partners in the Telecommunications industry.  Since joining Red Hat in 2014, she’s been assisting customers and partners in their network transformation journey, helping... FULL PROFILE
Fellow SDN/NFV/Cloud Architect at Verizon
Fred Oliveira joined Verizon through the acquisition of CloudSwitch Corporation (, where as Chief Architect , he led the technology architecture and direction, and brought a wealth of experience in envisioning, designing and developing cutting-edge products. Prior to joining CloudSwitch, Fred was Chief Architect of the Cloud... FULL PROFILE
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