Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Forget Everything You Knew about Swift Rings - Here's Everything You Need to Know about Swift Rings

OpenStack Swift is designed to make the most durable and available object storage system possible from your commodity hardware. From a few terabytes to dozens of petabytes and beyond Swift uses a consistent hashing ring to ensure data storage locations are dispersed to ensure failure-resistant operations of your clusters running at scale.

Swift operators are ring masters. They interact with them constantly to maintain order in their clusters, adding new capacity to power their growing cloud, removing or replacing old and busted disks and nodes, or creating new powerful differentiated storage offerings based on their clusters unique characteristics, geography or features.

In this talk we want to give you a deep dive into the rings: low level details how initial placement and rebalance works, best practices when designing cluster topology and ring management, and what you need to know about recent and upcoming changes like overloading, increasing partition power and composite rings.

What can I expect to learn?

Internals of the Swift rings and how they affect cluster layouts.

Thursday, October 27, 5:30pm-6:10pm (3:30pm - 4:10pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Red Hat
Christian started working on Swift nine years ago and works as a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat. Most of his Swift related work is related to supporting customers running Swift and working on automation, testing and development tools. FULL PROFILE
Sr. Software Engineer
Clay Gerrard is a Sr. Software Engineer at SwiftStack. SwiftStack is a technology innovator of private cloud storage for today’s applications, powered by OpenStack Swift. Clay was part of the original development team at Rackspace that created Rackspace Files, which became the Swift project within OpenStack when it was made open source. Clay has continued to be active in the OpenStack... FULL PROFILE
1 Reviews
Posted: 3058 days ago
"Thanks, very good and easy understandable explanation of a very complex \/ important theme! Also nice drawings and slide design!"