Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

From How-To to POC to Production: Learning By Building

One does not simply learn how to build production-grade OpenStack!

The major distributions (and scripted installs like Devstack) have taken the guesswork out of getting OpenStack up and running. Gone are the days of spending days building your first OpenStack cloud using the how-to on But without this, how does one really learn the intricacies of OpenStack? And what happens when it's time to build your first production-grade cloud?

A highly available OpenStack cloud consists of much more than just the big tent projects... numerous other open source applications are involved in making it work. And there's a gap in documentation between proof of concept and production creating a bigger leap than should exist.

In this session we'll demonstrate what it takes to actually go from How-To to POC to production-grade OpenStack, filling in the gaps that exist and learning along the way. 

What can I expect to learn?

How to build an OpenStack cloud from scratch. (No vendor distributions....)

How to turn that into a production OpenStack cloud.

How to learn the nuts and bolts along the way.

Tuesday, October 25, 5:05pm-5:45pm (3:05pm - 3:45pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Founder and CTO, Unitas Global
Grant Kirkwood is the founder and CTO of Unitas Global, a provider of custom Enterprise Cloud solutions for organizations around the world. The company offers its solutions to mid- and large-size enterprise, operating from 40 datacenter deployments worldwide.  A serial entrepreneur and technologist at heart, Grant has always been at the forefront of open source... FULL PROFILE
2 Reviews
Posted: 3061 days ago
"Very good session"
Posted: 3061 days ago
Great session - very informative