Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

OpenStack Performance Team: What Has Been Done During Newton Cycle and Ocata Planning

Performance working group is working on identifying best OpenStack performance verification since Mitaka, and this session is about what progress has been done during Newton time frame, what we achieved and what is planned to be done during Ocata cycle.

Note: this session should treated as a working group session in Community Collaboration summit category

What can I expect to learn?

* Results of previous cycle discussion

** results of performance testing and performance researches, new test plans published and run. We’ll cover 1000 nodes emulation performance test, reliability testing (when we’re measuring how much time it’ll take to OpenStack to recover after various components being down), tenant networking testing and more.

** performance testing tools and methodologies improvement. We’ll also evaluate how SPEC Cloud IaaS 2016 benchmark can be used by our team and what benefits both OpenStack and SPEC communities can gather from it.

* Draft Ocata roadmap

Thursday, October 27, 9:50am-10:30am (7:50am - 8:30am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Dina has been working with OpenStack as a cloud platform for more than four years, both taking part in private cloud tuning and upstream contributing. Her experience includes close interaction with all OpenStack projects and their improvement to satisfy the needs of cloud users. Dina leads upstream Performance team initiative and Mirantis scale/performance testing initiatives. FULL PROFILE
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