In this hands-on workshop, we begin by building an understanding of Heat fundamentals:
- What are the building blocks and infrastructure an OpenStack based setup of one or more servers consists of? This includes VMs, virtual networks, and floating IP addresses.
- How do we reproducibly describe all of these building blocks in terms of a Heat template?
We start out with assembling a Heat template step by step, highlighing debugging best practices for various common errors along the way.
Then, we progress to more advanced and lesser-known, but exceedingly useful Heat features:
- CloudConfig resources to enable full-blown server configurations
- ResourceGroups to easily deploy complex resources en masse
- WaitConditions to express complex dependencies
You'll walk away from this workshop with a solid understanding of both the fundamentals of Heat, and of advanced features available within the Heat framework.
You will learn some very helpful advanced techniques for Heat, enabling you to write cleaner, faster, and more powerful Heat templates. You will find that the lessons learned in this session are easily applicable both in a private and a public cloud environment.