Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Application Catalogs: understanding Glare, Murano and Community App Catalog

As OpenStack matured and began reaching the upper layers of the Cloud stack, a number of OpenStack projects started working with cloud applications. Soon enough several initiatives emerged to build services which would provide various catalog-like functionality for these apps. The most notable of these initiatives are project Murano, an Openstack big-tent project officially known as "Application Catalog for Openstack", project Glare (aka GLance ARtifact REpository, previously known as Glance v3) and a Community Application Catalog, an initiative backed by Openstack Foundation, hosting some cloud apps at

What can I expect to learn?

This talk will provide the answers to the questions above, dot the i's and cross the t's on differences and similarities of these projects, explain why they do not compete and demonstrate how the combination of them may help application developers to succeed in delivering their apps to end-users.

Thursday, October 27, 3:30pm-4:10pm (1:30pm - 2:10pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Principal Software Engineer, Mirantis, Inc
Being one of the core developers of Murano project, Alexander is driving a number of inititives there, being a co-author of Murano's DSLs and owning several other large features. Also, Alexander is one of the drivers behind the Artifact Repository initiative in Glance, going to be consumed not only by Murano and Community Application Catalog, but by other OpenStack projects as... FULL PROFILE
Software Engineer
OpenStack upstream developer since early 2015, Murano PTL for Newton and Ocata cycles, currently working on bringing advanced cases to containers with OpenStack and kuryr-kubernetes FULL PROFILE