Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Project: OPNFV - Base System Functionality Testing (Functest) of a vIMS on OpenStack

Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) based on OpenStack as the VIM (virtual infrastructure manager) is a growing use case among leading Telcos around the globe. Orange Labs have been leading the "OPNFV - base system functionality testing" project that provides a comprehensive testing methodology, test suites and test cases to test and verify OPNFV Platform functionality that covers the VIM and NFVI components. This project uses a "top-down" approach based on ETSI NFV use-cases and open source VNFs for the functional testing.

This session will dive into the functional testing of a vIMS system based on Metaswitch's Clearwater, coupled with the open source tools Cloudify and Jenkins, for the full lifecycle orchestration and management including the monitoring, healing, scaling and software upgrade of such a complex system.

What can I expect to learn?

How to achieve real deployments that are fully automated, managed and orchestrated through their entire lifecycle - including scaling and healing with OPNFV, OpenStack, and Cloudify using the open source vIMS Clearwater as the test VNF.

Wednesday, October 26, 3:05pm-3:45pm (1:05pm - 1:45pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Orange Labs
Morgan works as Network architect for innovative services in Orange. He is Orange Network open source evangelist and OPNFV representative. Primarily involved in IMS deployment for Orange affiliates, he managed the project Emerginov (OW2), an open source PHP PaaS that has been deployed in Africa. He has 10 years' experience in managing open source solutions. He is engaged in OPNFV testing group,... FULL PROFILE
Software Conceptor
I am a software engineer working on cloud/NFV platforms at Kontron Canada. I also contribute to the OPNFV project in order to build a testing tool chain for NFV platforms. I have been talking at many conference including OpenStack and OPNFV Summits. I like to make movies and also to run. FULL PROFILE
Arthur Berezin is an active member of the OpenStack community and a hands-on OpenStacker since the early Essex release of OpenStack in 2012. During this time Arthur has built multiple production data centers based on OpenStack, helped dozens of organizations in planning their OpenStack environments, and in executing their software defined data center strategy. Prior to OpenStack, Arthur worked... FULL PROFILE
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