Measuring progress, effectiveness and success is a key in every organization from software development to services. The metrics are the same, and as always the devil is in the details.
In an open source environment the different actors need to use the same set of numbers to form a meaningful set of KPIs. As the traditional processes and ways of working go through a transformation period to adjust to open source methods, it is crucial to have the same changes applied to metrics and how they are used to get the proper feedback loop.
This presentation will go through the existing tools that provide measurements and describe the meaning of each. The presentation will also give an overview on how to use the values in an efficient way to become drivers of both business and development as opposed to a numbers' game.
The attendees will learn what the different measurements mean and how they can use them to get meaningful information and also have feedback about how they are progressing. The talk will provide information to both managers and developers by showing how they can interpret the same information in their own field to get the expected outcome and get closer to their goals.