Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

How Walmart is Building a Successful Open Source Culture

Walmart started its OpenStack journey with our eCommerce site.  Open source is a priority in our approach to new development and embracing new solutions.  We want to share our journey as we continue to build a successful open source culture, making it a focused and integral part of our day to day planning, operation and execution.  We will explore our successes and failures as we continue to grow our community involvement and participation.

What can I expect to learn?

Walmart wants to show users what has and has not worked for us on our journey to change our culture to embrace innovation and out of the box thinking.

Tuesday, October 25, 3:05pm-3:45pm (1:05pm - 1:45pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Chief Dispenser of Cloud Kool-Aid @Walmart
I am the lead architect for Walmart's OpenStack effort to provide private cloud for the products and services Walmart offers to customers. I coordinate among the OpenStack community, our development, engineering and operations teams and our internal customers to offer best in class cloud services. I have encouraged Walmart's increased participation as an operator in the OpenStack community. FULL PROFILE
OpenStack Operations
Megan Rossetti is part of the OpenStack Operations team at Walmart, working to to set project priorities and meet ever-changing deadlines. She began her OpenStack journey in March of 2014, and is actively involved in several projects and working groups within the community.  FULL PROFILE
2 Reviews
Posted: 3058 days ago
Very nice talk about organisational and culture change to enable opensource on big corporate
Posted: 3063 days ago
"Great story"