Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

A Dice with Several Faces: Coordinators, Mentors and Interns on OpenStack Outreachy Internships

Most open source projects do a poor job of onboarding new contributors. Proper onboarding enables a new contributor to make bigger contributions, more quickly, and increases how long they will stay involved. This process is especially challenging in open source and worldwide communities where different cultures collide. In this talk you will learn about the Outreachy program in OpenStack and how having a good mentor can help newcomers in overcoming the obstacles smoothly.

This talk is intended for people willing to start contributing or mentoring and for those willing to become a better community member.

In this presentation we will share the experience from one of the coordinators, one of the mentors and one on the interns of the last Outreachy round, hoping to clear doubts on how this kind of internships work, what is the added value to the community, what is expected from mentors and what is expected from mentees.

What can I expect to learn?

Attendees will learn how to collaborate in the community, why mentorship is important, what are the available mentoring programs, how Outreachy program works, good and bad practices for both mentors and mentees, tips for aspiring applicants, potential issues and how to overcome them.

Thursday, October 27, 3:30pm-4:10pm (1:30pm - 2:10pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Cloud Technology Strategist
Samuel is a Cloud Technology Strategist at Oi, where he helps educating about OpenStack and defining the go-to-market strategies for the new cloud products. He has been involved in the community since 2013 and enjoys helping newcomers, besides giving talks for spreading OpenStack awareness in Brazil. FULL PROFILE
Red Hat Inc.
Software engineer at Red Hat, FOSS passionate and tech in general enthusiast. Former Zaqar and Trove core reviewer. Currently working on Manila. Outreachy and Google Summer of Code coordinator. Eager to learn about new technologies, to contribute to different open-source projects and to get new people involved with open-source philosophy. FULL PROFILE
Individual Upstream Developer
Nisha recently(June 2017) completed her undergrad studies - B.Tech in Mathematics and Computing from Delhi Technological University, India. She is currently a co-mentor for Outreachy internship in OpenStack May-Aug 2017 round for Keystone Documentation Auditing project. She is an active member of the OpenStack India group. She succesfully completed Outreachy internship in OpenStack May-Aug 2016... FULL PROFILE
1 Reviews
Posted: 3059 days ago
"Amazing talk! It's really important to get to know about outreachy from all perspectives. "