Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Manila Share Data Does Not Simply Move and Protect Itself, Oh Wait, It Does!

Typical datacenters comprise of products from multiple storage vendors, and usually no two products behave the same. Thus, operators often rely on complex scripts and tools to move data, provide high availability and protect it from disasters. As a multi-storage abstraction, OpenStack Manila is invested in addressing such requirements through a consistent API to avoid vendor lock-in.

We have made tremendous progress with features such as Migration and Replication, and a new service that can handle data plane operations and assist in moving data between shared file systems. We enhanced the design of storage availability zones as failure domains and allowed for them to be consistent with Nova and Neutron availability zones.

We will discuss use cases and demonstrate the use of these features while indicating best practices and troubleshooting tips that might come in handy when using both these features in your data center. We’ll also discuss the roadmap for these features.

What can I expect to learn?

Attendees would learn how to take advantage of the new APIs introduced and understand the use cases that motivated the design of the share migration, share replication and data copy service features in manila. The common API and workflows have an important use case of helping OpenStack consumers avoid vendor lock-in.

Attendees would leave with knowledge on best practice configuration and troubleshooting steps when using these features. We would also introduce the roadmap items and invite feedback from the audience.

Thursday, October 27, 4:40pm-5:20pm (2:40pm - 3:20pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Manila Core Reviewer
Rodrigo is a core reviewer in Manila since Mitaka release, works for Canonical as charms and support engineer, and a researcher in the field of Fault Tolerance. Prior work includes being a driver developer for Hitachi from Juno through Ocata releases, and driver developer for NetApp from Queens through Stein releases. He is focused on Manila upstream development and has contributed with... FULL PROFILE
Red Hat, Principal Software Engineer
Goutham is an active contributor to OpenStack Shared File Systems (manila), Block Storage (cinder), UX (openstackcli, openstacksdk) projects. Prior to OpenStack, he has worked on several projects involving data protection across storage systems. Aside from his code contributions, Goutham spends a lot of his time building cross project synchronization and advocating for user experience and... FULL PROFILE
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