How to Work Upstream with OpenStack
Presentation on what it takes tosuccessfully contribute upstream to OpenStack. PTLs and committers from telecom operators, vendors, and OpenStack core developers in the OPNFV Doctor project will discuss key lessons and takeaways from their successful and ongoing contributions to OpenStack. Attendees will also hear from OpenStack PTLs working directly with OPNFV Doctor to incorporate components into OpenStack. Hear details on what works, what doesn't and gain valuable insights on how best to integrate upstream.
What can I expect to learn?
Tuesday, October 25, 3:05pm-3:45pm (1:05pm - 1:45pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Ryota Mibu has been working on integrating cloud technologies to telecommunication platform form 2012 in NEC. He has been contributing OpenStack projects, including Neutron, Ironic, Ceilometer and Aodh. He is the Project Lead of "Doctor" which is one of the OPNFV projects and focusing on building a framework for fault management for high availability of Network Services on top of virtualized... FULL PROFILE
Vice President, Rakuten Mibile, Inc.
Ashiq Khan received his BE and MSc in Information Engineering from Tohoku University in 2002 and 2004 respectively. He joined NTT DOCOMO, INC. in 2004 and has been engaged in R&D of autonomous mobile networks, Quality-of-Service (QoS) based routing and mobile service delivery platform. Since 2008, his work focus was on network virtualization and he was involved in ETSI NFV standardization,... FULL PROFILE
Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat
Julien is a Free Software hacker since 1998.
He works as a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, daily improving OpenStack, a project he has been working on since 2011. He leads the OpenStack Telemetry project as its PTL and contribute to common OpenStack code in Oslo. He seated at the OpenStack Technical Committee in 2013. FULL PROFILE
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