Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Gnocchi v3: Monitoring the Next Million Time-Series

Gnocchi is an open-source, multi-tenant timeseries, metrics and resources database that is built on top of common OpenStack components. Initiated two years ago, Gnocchi has been undergoing intense performance testing and some shortcomings have been discovered. Poor distribution of tasks, degradation in performance of long series, and rigid typing hamper user experience. The good news is help is on the way!

This talk highlights the testing done against Gnocchi, the changes made to address issues, and how the results compare to previous versions. It will also provide some insights into how to deploy Gnocchi, specifically with Ceph, and why you should immediately start moving away from Ceilometer's legacy storage options.

Wednesday, October 26, 3:45pm-3:59pm (1:45pm - 1:59pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Gordon is the former PTL of the OpenStack Telemetry project and is also the co-author of the pyCADF library which is the python implementation of the Cloud Audit Data Federation (CADF) specification. His current role involves nothing to do with OpenStack. Gordon graduated from Queen's University with a degree in Computer Engineering. In his free time, he coaches youth... FULL PROFILE
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