Running a Working Group which represents one of the many users of the OpenStack community is not a trivial task, especially when best practices with regards to the open principles are observed. This session will be lead by the User Committee and attended by Working Group chairs to discuss "good practice" in how to run a working group which has been approved by the User-Committee.
Proposed agenda items:
- Goal setting methodologies by chairs for each cycle, buy-in, tracking, deliverable, shared ownership by WG.
- User Committee engagement with WGs and leadership role of UC.
- Good practice for running F2F meetings at Summit: 2-3 session to assure outcomes, social gatherings, etc.
- Recruitment of new members.
- Timezones and cultural considerations.
- International perception and foreign language member participation.
- Communication between WG co-chairs and UC chairs.
- Input by WGs into Blueprints, working with the TC/PTLs in cycle planning.
- Sub-teams/activities in WGs and/or new WGs... to sub-WG or not to sub-WG... aka WG scope.
- Joint midcycles with other WGs? Organised by the UC?
- Co-located WG meetings, i.e. WGs with overlapping membership to meet after one another?
- WG Co-Chairs: different regions and remits? EU+USA+APAC?
- WG meeting preparation: calendar items, call for agenda items, use of etherpads, wiki updates, email to user-committee, agreed open meeting channel (voice vs irc), etc
- WG meeting runtime: irc meeting bot, agenda with note taking, recorded actions, reminder of overall objectives for cycle, etc
- WG post-meeting remit: summary of meeting posted to user-committee mailing list, list of follow up actions per member name and suggested ETA, etc.
Primary Audience
Working Group Chairs and Regular WG attendees.
Secondary Audience
Any community member looking to participate and/or hep organise a user-committee working group.