Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Training for Cloud App Engineers: Cross-Cloud Application Deployment - how to deploy application in multiple open data-centres worldwide using the Python Shade SDK


1°= Cloud Application Engineers and Developers

2°= DevOps and other technically-savvy people looking to advance their career as a future cloud application engineer.

3°= Usability Experts, Design Engineers, Technical Marketing Staff, Computer Science students, etc. (those exploring end-user customer focused application deployment).


Abstract: Problem , s ay "no" to cloud app lock-in.  Assure your cloud application can work across multiple data-centre (clouds) worldwide.  It's what your customers will want both here and worldwide.  Why would you develop an application for multiple cloud operating systems. Demand the ability for your app to work across multiple clouds.  The Shade SDK is currently the leading contender for a API which enables you to treat a datacentre like a resource and programmatically call the infrastructure (hardware) resources required in a simple and interoperable python library.  " Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability. " 


Pre-requisites:  laptop, basic understanding of python, basic understanding of SSH, an opinion on cross cloud interoperability, willingness to work in a team based learning environment, enjoyment of training which is about solving problems (no spoon-fed answers here).


What can I expect to learn?

Learning Objectives: 

a.) … engage with a full-stack of developers to build cloud applications as a team.
b.) … be inspired to enable my cloud app to work *openly* cross-cloud (and the dangers if we don’t do something about cloud lock in).
c.) ...break stuff and then engage with the open source community to help fix the broken stuff.
d.) …understand the importance of constraint over configuration for cloud application development.
e.) ...know where to go next to further your training as a cloud application developer

Thursday, October 27, 2:40pm-4:10pm (12:40pm - 2:10pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Community Wrangler at OpenStack Foundation
OpenStack Community Wrangler focused on app developrs and end users. Former OpenStack trainer, community member and fan at the University of Melbourne. FULL PROFILE