Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Search Result

Schedule Matches

Tue 253:55pm - 4:35pm (1:55pm - 2:35pm UTC)
Message Routing: A Next-Generation Alternative to RabbitMQ
Wed 2611:25am - 12:05pm (9:25am - 10:05am UTC)
Controlling Access to OpenStack in the Enterprise: This is Not a Public Cloud!
Wed 262:15pm - 2:55pm (12:15pm - 12:55pm UTC)
Get More Juice out of Your Cloud - Dynamic Over Provisioning Techniques
Thu 279:50am - 10:30am (7:50am - 8:30am UTC)
Analyzing and Managing Performance Issues on Real-Time OpenStack Cloud
Thu 2711:00am - 11:40am (9:00am - 9:40am UTC)
Architectural Considerations for Big Data Workloads on OpenStack
Thu 2711:50am - 12:30pm (9:50am - 10:30am UTC)
Service Discovery and Registration in a Microservices Architecture: What, Why and How?
Thu 272:40pm - 3:20pm (12:40pm - 1:20pm UTC)
On Building an Auto-healing Resource Cluster using Senlin
Thu 273:30pm - 4:10pm (1:30pm - 2:10pm UTC)
Yo Dawg I Herd You Like Containers, So We Put OpenStack and Ceph in Containers

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