Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Search Result

Schedule Matches

Tue 2512:15pm - 12:55pm (10:15am - 10:55am UTC)
Delivering Composable NFV Services for Business, Residential and Mobile Edge
Tue 252:15pm - 2:55pm (12:15pm - 12:55pm UTC)
NTT West - Beyond Neutron, Taking Control of a Physical Multi-Vendor Network with OpenDaylight
Wed 262:15pm - 2:55pm (12:15pm - 12:55pm UTC)
CTO Perspectives on Service Function Chaining for OpenStack Clouds
Wed 263:05pm - 3:45pm (1:05pm - 1:45pm UTC)
Open Networking in Action: SDN and NFV + OpenStack and Cloud
Thu 274:40pm - 5:20pm (2:40pm - 3:20pm UTC)
Gluon - Accelerating Development of New Networking Services for OpenStack

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