Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Search Result

Schedule Matches

Tue 253:05pm - 3:45pm (1:05pm - 1:45pm UTC)
OpenStack and the Orchestration Options for Telecom / NFV
Tue 255:55pm - 6:35pm (3:55pm - 4:35pm UTC)
Orchestrating VNF Forwarding Graphs and SFC Using OpenDayLight, Neutron and Tacker
Wed 263:05pm - 3:45pm (1:05pm - 1:45pm UTC)
Project: OPNFV - Base System Functionality Testing (Functest) of a vIMS on OpenStack
Wed 265:05pm - 5:45pm (3:05pm - 3:45pm UTC)
Fault Management with OpenStack Congress and Vitrage, Based on OPNFV Doctor Framework
Thu 279:00am - 9:40am (7:00am - 7:40am UTC)
Overview of AT&T’s Cloud Workloads: Before, and After OpenStack
Thu 2711:00am - 11:40am (9:00am - 9:40am UTC)
Empower your NFV Services through Service Function Chaining and SFC Graphs

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