Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Speaker Details

Malini Bhandaru

Malini Bhandaru, Ph.D., Intel, is a Cloud Architect and Principal Engineer with the Open source Technology Center at Intel.  She has been involved with OpenStack for over four years.  Her interests span security, key management, access control, dynamic resource scheduling, network function virtualization, and scalability. She co-authored the “OpenStack Security Guide”. Prior to her open source cloud endeavors she worked on power and performance aspects on Intel’s Xeon server product line.  Before joining Intel, she worked at Nuance, Verizon, and several start-ups in Massachusetts. She has two patents granted and nine more filed. She has a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She volunteers for science education activities and computer literacy. Through Intel she had the unique opportunity to develop and field trial in Bangladesh and India an Android application to assist farmers with their fertilizer needs. Malini lives in the Bay Area with her husband and sons, and enjoys gardening and hiking.


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