Barcelona, Spain
October 25-28, 2016

Speaker Details

Vincent Button

Director of Innovation at AT&T Foundry, Plano

Vincent has been a coder, an engineer and an innovator for over 20 years.  He's worked with many emerging technologies from VoIP, Mobile Apps, IPTV, Connected Cars, and now the Openstack Cloud.

At AT&T and Nokia, Vincent brings Innovation and Entreprenurial engagement to identify new market solutions, and to accelerate each company in their transition to the software based economy.

As Co-Foundry of the Gravity Center incubator in Plano, he created an environment that became host to 20 North Texas startup companies.  The Gravity Center was superceded by The DEC which serves entrepreneurial startups community in Dallas.

Thu 2711:00am - 12:30pm ()
Learn to Debug OpenStack Code - a Hands-on with the Python Debugger and PyCharm.
Gluon - Accelerating Development of New Networking Services for OpenStack

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