OVS Hardware offloads to improve the efficiency of a virtualized OpenStack cloud has been presented in the past at various summits. With Queens release, we have achieved a major milestone in delivering Smart offload technology to end users. But can we claim the victory just yet? While the offload engine is alive and kicking now, significant effort is under way to make this technology telco cloud ready.
During this talk, we will recap what’s available NOW to configure OVS hardware offloads using open source components, OpenDaylight, Neutron ML2 Plugin and commercial solutions such as Nuage Networks Virtualized Cloud Services (VCS) and F5 Networks BIG-IP Virtual Edition VNFs. We will also share early field guidance on deployment of a smart cloud.
Further, while a smart cloud has finally arrived, users are already looking for more in terms of availability, stability and supportability. We will present what’s coming BEYOND today and recap the status of upstream development work across various Open Source communities including OpenStack (nova/neutron/tripleo), Linux kernel, QEMU/KVM/libvirt and ODL.
This presentation intend to socialize the end to end use case and the benefits of OVS Hardware offloads and how to operate it almost transparently from OpenStack APIs, so users used to regular OVS and SR-IOV will understand the subtle differences. Also, beyond end users, we will present the great collaboration across various OpenSource projects, so other “across the stack” can follow the same pattern, and each and every project/community involved will get feedback on how their efforts have been leveraged.