Event Details

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Pushing Keystone over the Edge

Every operation in OpenStack requires validating a token against the Keystone server. To have a multisite deployment, either you have one Keystone database with multiple regions, or you have multiple Keystones. Both approaches limit the operator’s ability to manage multisite deployments. How can we make Keystone actively enable edge computing instead of being a stumbling block?

In this session, we will discuss what is possible now and how that limits the multisite deployments that providers wish to pursue. We will also address what is possible by rearchitecting Keystone to better support and managing multisite deployments.

What can I expect to learn?

How Keystone works now, what are the stumbling blocks for multisite, and how we plan to address them.

Thursday, November 15, 9:50am-10:30am (8:50am - 9:30am UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Red Hat
Adam Young is a Cloud Solutions Architect at Red Hat, responsible for helping people develope their cloud strategies. He has been a long time core developer on Keystone, the authentication and authorization service for OpenStack. Adam has worked on various systems management tools, including the Identity Management component of Red Hat Enterprise Linux based on the FreeIPA technology. A 20 year... FULL PROFILE
Boston University, Senior Software Engineer
Kristi Nikolla is a Sr. Software Engineer at the Mass Open Cloud and New England Research Cloud, working out of Boston University. He has been an active contributor of OpenStack since 2016, and is currently a maintainer of the Keystone project and a former PTL, as well as a member of the OpenStack Technical Committee. FULL PROFILE
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
Morgan is a Principal Engineer focused on CI/CD for Red Hat and former Project Team Lead (PTL) of the OpenStack Identity Project, Keystone,. As of 2013, he has been focused on improving Identity Management, Single Sign On, and access management in Open Source projects. He has over a decade of experience as a technical leader in engineering for large-scale platforms for Web Hosting, Social... FULL PROFILE
10 Reviews
Posted: 2321 days ago
Posted: 2322 days ago
Very interresting about the issue that keystone have to/will face at the edge. Very interresting explanation and debate about the predictable user id needed in order to be able to use keystone at the edge and at scale. Thanks a lot.
Posted: 2323 days ago
quite confused and confusing presentation
Posted: 2323 days ago
Posted: 2323 days ago
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