Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Towards fully automated CERN private Cloud

Since 2012, CERN is running an Openstack private cloud with around 320k cores and supports not only the LHC, but also the services for the whole laboratory. We have been scaling up the infrastructure to cover these computing needs and at the same time we have also been increasing the service offering to include file shares, baremetal nodes and container orchestration clusters among others.

The key aspects that allowed us to scale quickly and be able to continuously adapt to our user needs are automation and integration into the CERN ecosystem. We will review the tools that allows us to offload most of the heavy-lifting tasks, further delegate administrative operations and react on monitoring alarms. It includes solutions for simplify project, resource management and support operations based on Mistral and Rundeck.

Finally we will look into ongoing work on services like Kubernetes jobs, Vitrage and Watcher that will increase even further the automation provided.

Tuesday, November 13, 3:20pm-4:00pm (2:20pm - 3:00pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Jose is a Cloud Architect at CERN. He holds a Msc in Computer Science from Universidad de Oviedo. He joined CERN in 2010 and since then he was been working in virtualisation first and then he become part of the cloud team who build the CERN's OpenStack-based private Cloud. His role comprises to design, implement, integrate and scale the cloud service to cover the laboratory needs. He is... FULL PROFILE
29 Reviews
Posted: 2282 days ago
Posted: 2284 days ago
Posted: 2284 days ago
Posted: 2285 days ago
Amazing talk!
Posted: 2286 days ago
The presentation was quite high level for my taste. Show us code and demos and less on the processes.
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