Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Towards an Open Cloud Exchange

Today’s public cloud is dominated by a small number of massive clouds each operated and controlled by a single provider. Each of these public clouds has adopted a variety of techniques to maximize incompatibility and lock customers into their cloud.

For the last three years, the Mass Open Cloud (MOC) has been developing and deploying an Open Cloud Exchange (OCX): an alternative model of a cloud where many stakeholders, rather than just a single provider, participate in implementing and operating the cloud. We’ll describe what we have learned about secure hardware sharing and how a large-scale open cloud based on OpenStack can work, and discuss some of the significant use cases for an open cloud, namely: a true CD for open-source projects, an ecosystem of cloud services, and a public platform for AI development.

What can I expect to learn?
  • What an Open Cloud Exchange is
  • What we have learned about secure hardware sharing and how a large-scale open cloud could work
  • Some of the significant use cases: True CD for open-source projects, an ecosystem of cloud services, and a public platform for AI development
Wednesday, November 14, 3:20pm-4:00pm (2:20pm - 3:00pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Boston University, Senior Software Engineer
Kristi Nikolla is a Sr. Software Engineer at the Mass Open Cloud and New England Research Cloud, working out of Boston University. He has been an active contributor of OpenStack since 2016, and is currently a maintainer of the Keystone project and a former PTL, as well as a member of the OpenStack Technical Committee. FULL PROFILE
OpenStack Infrastructure
as a result of leaks of passwords, tokens, keys and configuration from https://paste.openstack.org/raw/244916, many confidential data from developers, cloud environments, CI / CD systems may fall into the wrong hands. There is over 801 000 files, many of them contains secrets - already changed credentials of openstack project administrator - Monty Taylor is example (sorry man, and respect for... FULL PROFILE
Red Hat
Currently Director of Engineering for Boston University Research Initiatives at Red Hat FULL PROFILE
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