Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Blazar - Project Update

Project Updates cover the latest changes in the project. See what's new in the latest OpenStack release, and what you can expect to see from the project in the upcoming release.

Tuesday, November 13, 11:25am-11:45am (10:25am - 10:45am UTC)
Difficulty Level: N/A
Tags: OpenStack
LY Corporation
Masahito Muroi is a senior software enginer in LINE. He is in charge of developing LINE's private clouds, which is developed on OpenStack and accomodates over 1,000 HV and 20,000 VMs for production use.  He is a member of core developers in OpenStack Blazar project and OpenStack Congress project. He ran Blazar PTL Ocata cycle to Rocky cycle.  He is involved in cloud technology area... FULL PROFILE
StackHPC Ltd, Principal Engineer
Pierre Riteau is a Principal Engineer at StackHPC, where he participates in the deployment, operation and support of OpenStack clouds for many organisations in the Research Computing field. He is actively involved in the OpenStack community: as the Project Team Lead of Blazar, the official Reservation as a Service component of OpenStack, and as core reviewer of Kayobe, a software project for... FULL PROFILE
Bertrand Souville is Senior Architect at DOCOMO Euro-Labs. He has been involved in the Blazar project since the Ocata release and is now one of the Blazar core team members. FULL PROFILE
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