The Ops Meetups team has the ongoing mission to get operators together to discuss openstack operations related work. Our meetups also serve to bring new people into the community with a low-key, work-focused style of meetup. We make it ok to say "my cluster isn't running latest master code" or "hey where did my OpenStack Liberty documentation go?"
In 2018 we expect to arrange two independent meetups between the major community-wide summits, the first likely being in Europe and possibly with a dedicated "research track" as well as the usual general OpenStack track. Discussions are already well under way with key attendees and hosts.
In this working session in Berlin we will try to divide up the work of getting the organising process for those events underway. For example, a european event needs a relatively larger representation from the community in europe if, for example, we seek to match the success of the 2017 meetup in Milan (see
Ops Meetups reach out to the operators actually running openstack, many of whom aren't necessarily coming to Summits or PTGs with a friendly, cheap, low-key event in their region. We provide a forum for those who are "doing openstack" but not necessarily familiar with the system at the code level.
The team that arranges the events is a small and goegraphically dispersed band of volunteers, all already working in the community. Getting together at the Forum is one of the few times we can all work face to face.
With the recent changes to PTG (merging back into Summits), we need to re-examine our ground rules and work out how to pick up the old system of "ops mid-cycle meetups" (even though they are no longer technically "mid-cycle").