Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Deploying Cloud Native Apps with Cisco Virtual Infrastructure Manager (CVIM)

Cisco Policy and Charging Rules Function (PCRF) provides real-time management of subscribers and applications for Service Providers. This application works in concert with Cisco's OpenStack NFV platform on bare metal Kubernetes worker nodes that have been provisioned by Cisco Virtual Infrastructure Manager.

This talk will present the architecture, workflow, and our experiences with such a solution where Cisco VIM is first deployed to provide the underlying cloud infrastructure. With OpenStack Ironic, CVIM is able to provision bare metal Kubernetes worker nodes managed by a K8s master on a virtual machine provisioned by CVIM. Once this infrastructure is running and networking between the K8s master and workers is established, the PCRF application is deployed to provide management and policy.


Wednesday, November 14, 3:20pm-4:00pm (2:20pm - 3:00pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Software Engineer at Cisco who's worked on Openstack since Grizzly. The past couple years have been mainly focussed on automation and getting cloud installs product ready. FULL PROFILE
Engineer at Cisco FULL PROFILE
2 Reviews
Posted: 2313 days ago
Posted: 2313 days ago