Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Building NFV Solutions with OpenStack and Cisco ACI

Network Function Virtualization (NFV) is one of the major driving factors in the adoption of OpenStack in the Service Provider industry. In this session, you will learn how using the integration of Cisco ACI with OpenStack makes it simple to deploy advanced NFV features and increases visibility with a tight underlay and overlay integration. 

ACI offers a solution for VNF service chaining and BGP peering with high performance, DPDK-based virtual switching and seamless automation. In this session, we will cover:

- An introduction to OpenStack and ACI Integration

- NFV features of the ACI Neutron Plugin

- High performance HW Load Balancing to OpenStack VNFs through BGP ECMP

- Deployment of service chaining using Neutron SFC API - a demo is included

Wednesday, November 14, 4:20pm-5:00pm (3:20pm - 4:00pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Engineer Technical Marketing
Iftikhar Rathore is a TME for Openstack Support on ACI. He specializes in Free/Opensource technologies and has been working in this industry for more that 25 years. FULL PROFILE
I am Technical Marketing Engineer in Cisco Datacenter Business Unit with focus on SDN and multicloud platforms. In more than 10 years in Cisco I covered multiple roles from TAC Engineer to Advanced Services Solutions Architect. Previously I worked in IBM Tivoli as a Software Developer. My passion for technologies always drive me to test, explore and learn new things. I am a fun of OpenStack and... FULL PROFILE
5 Reviews
Posted: 2308 days ago
Posted: 2311 days ago
Posted: 2312 days ago
Posted: 2313 days ago
Posted: 2313 days ago
Thx for detailled explaination